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Example 10: Destroying Slaves and Dispatchers
A log record is written whenever any slave or dispatcher is destroyed. (The Dispatcher Manager is not destroyed until after the event log is closed, so you will not see a destruction event for DispatcherMgr.) The log record includes a dump of the current object statistics in the same format as a snapshot event. The following example shows the destruction of a slave and, because it was the only remaining slave under dispatcher D3, its dispatcher.
2007/09/06_16:05:44.871 DESTROYING: S3
                                         cnt        min        max        avg
                    QueueUse/Depth:      602          0          1          0
                         QueueWait:                   0ms        0ms        0ms
                         Initiates:        1        453ms      453ms      453ms
                          Call4GLs:      600          0ms      125ms       10ms
                       ASOTrxCount:        0
2007/09/06_16:05:44.871 DESTROYING: D3
                                         cnt        min        max        avg
                    QueueUse/Depth:     1234          0          0          0
                         QueueWait:                   0ms       16ms        0ms
                         CurSlaves:        0
                        ClientRefs:        0
Last modified date: 06/25/2024