Install Tomcat for Linux
Follow these procedures to install Tomcat for Linux. Tomcat versions 8.5, 9.0, and 10.0 are supported for use with OpenROAD.
• Install Java 8.
• JRE 1.8 or higher is required.
• The 32-bit version of OpenROAD Server requires a 32-bit JRE for the OpenROAD JNI component.
• The 64-bit version of OpenROAD Server requires a 64-bit JRE for the OpenROAD JNI component.
To download and install Tomcat 9
1. Download Tomcat from or directly using the wget command. Then uncompress the downloaded file.
$ cd /tmp
$ wget
$ gunzip apache-tomcat-9.0.53.tar.gz
2. Install the package as the user that should be the Tomcat admin user in a directory that belongs to that user. In this example, it is installed as user “ingres” in a subdirectory of “/home/ingres”:
$ cd /home/ingres
$ tar -xf /tmp/apache-tomcat-9.0.53.tar
$ ln -s apache-tomcat-9.0.53 tomcat
3. Set the CATALINA_HOME and CATALINA_BASE environment variables (example for bash):
$ export CATALINA_HOME=/home/ingres/tomcat
$ export CATALINA_BASE=/home/ingres/tomcat
4. Start Tomcat:
$ $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ start
To stop Tomcat:
$ $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ stop
5. To determine if Tomcat is running, enter this command:
$ ps -ef | grep tomcat | grep java
After starting Tomcat, you may test access to it with a web browser using this URL (replace localhost with the IP address of the machine running Tomcat when testing from a remote machine): http://localhost:8080
To configure Tomcat with OpenROAD libraries
1. Copy the openroad.jar file into Tomcat shared library folder:
$ . /home/ingres/.orXXsh
$ cp $II_SYSTEM/ingres/orjava/openroad.jar $CATALINA_HOME/lib
2. Create or edit $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ and add these lines:
. /home/ingres/.orXXsh
export JAVA_OPTS
• Replace XX in “.orXXsh” with your OpenROAD instance ID.
3. Restart Tomcat.
To configure Tomcat for use with an owner different from the OpenROAD installation owner
If the user owning Tomcat is different from the OpenROAD installation owner, some OpenROAD libraries must be registered for the user owning Tomcat.
Assuming that Tomcat is installed and owned by the user “tomcat”:
1. Log in as the tomcat user and source the OpenROAD environment setup script:
source /home/ingres/.orXXsh
where XX is your OpenROAD instance ID.
2. Register the COM libraries for OpenROAD Server and XML:
regsvr32 -nodisplay $MWHOME/lib-${MWCONFIG_NAME}_optimized/
cd $II_SYSTEM/ingres/lib
regsvr32 -nodisplay
regsvr32 -nodisplay
regsvr32 -nodisplay
Last modified date: 06/25/2024