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Intertask1 Application
The intertask1 application is one of several that show how OpenROAD eClient applications can pass internal and external events to each other.
The intertask1 application is a 4GL example script that demonstrates how two OpenROAD applications can communicate with each other and pass an integer value between them.
This script is a simple example that demonstrates how to register for a user event, send a user event, send an external event with an integer message value, and how to retrieve the user event, external event, and message value.
Contents of the subdirectory
Contents of Intertask1\install4gl.txt
//  The following control statements must not start on line 1.
4GLVERSION =6,20,14001,0
IMAGEFILE  =Intertask1.img
//  The following environment variables are set by the run.bat that is generated
//  by Loadnrun when an application is downloaded from the server
//    Environment Variable       Value
//    --------------------       -----
//    II_ECLIENT_ROOT            %APPDATA%\Actian\eclientcache\[HOSTSYSTEM]\[HOSTSUFFIX]\
//    LOADNRUN_CLIENT_ROOT       %II_LOADNRUN112_ROOT%\  (if launched using LOADNRUN112.bat)
//    II_ECLIENT_RUNMODE         2
//    II_W4GLAPPS_SYS            %II_ECLIENT_ROOT%lib
//    II_LOG                     %II_ECLIENT_ROOT%[APPNAME]
//    II_ECLIENT_SYSTEM          %windir%\syswow64     (on 64-bit systems)
//    II_ECLIENT_SYSTEM          %windir%\system32     (on 32-bit systems)
//    PATH                       %II_ECLIENT_ROOT%qt;%LOADNRUN_CLIENT_ROOT%bin;%PATH%
//    II_LOADNRUN                TRUE
//  where the following are defined
//    String Name                String Value Description
//    -----------                ------------------------
//    [HOSTSYSTEMURL]            This is the URL that is passed when Loadnrun is invoked on
//                               the Client
//    [HOSTSYSTEM]               This is the system name that is hosting the [HOSTSYSTEMURL]
//    [HOSTSUFFIX]               This is the suffix that is passed when Loadnrun is invoked
//                               on the client
//    [INSTALL4GLVERSION]        This is the value of the 4GLVERSION directive located in
//                               the install4gl.txt
//    [APPNAME]                  This is the application name passed when Loadnrun is invoked
//                               on the Client
//  An example of the command that will be invoked is as follows
//  The following ENVIRONMENT directives will be used to append SET statements in
//  the run.bat that will be generated by Loadnrun. These can override any environment
//  variables generated in run.bat prior to the launch of the application.
//  Force the use of the Loadnrun 6.2 client runtime
//  Environment for Application
Last modified date: 06/25/2024