Server Reference Guide > Server Reference Guide > Loadnrun > Loadnrun Command Reference > Loadnrun Command Usage (Loadnrun112.bat)
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Loadnrun Command Usage (Loadnrun112.bat)
Loadnrun112.bat is an executable batch file that lets you launch the Loadnrun command with a variety of options.
You can use this file to display:
Summary usage (default)
Advanced usage
Detailed usage of the command
Loadnrun parameter descriptions follow these sections.
Display Loadnrun112.bat Summary Usage
Enter the following command to display summary usage of the Loadnrun command:
It displays the following summary output:
        "%II_LOADNRUN112_CMD%" /listcache  [HOSTNAME [HOSTSUFFIX] ]
        "%II_LOADNRUN112_CMD%" /listrun    [HOSTNAME [HOSTSUFFIX] ]
        "%II_LOADNRUN112_CMD%" /clearcache [HOSTNAME [HOSTSUFFIX] ]
        "%II_LOADNRUN112_CMD%" /environment [HOSTNAME [HOSTSUFFIX] ]
        "%II_LOADNRUN112_CMD%" /?
        "%II_LOADNRUN112_CMD%" /help
Enter "%II_LOADNRUN11_CMD%" /help for a detailed usage.
Enter "%II_LOADNRUN11_CMD%" /usage for summary of advanced option.
Display Loadnrun112.bat Advanced Usage
Enter the following command to display advanced usage of the Loadnrun command:
It displays the following output:
       "%II_LOADNRUN112_CMD%" /listcache  [HOSTNAME [HOSTSUFFIX] ]
       "%II_LOADNRUN112_CMD%" /listrun    [HOSTNAME [HOSTSUFFIX] ]
       "%II_LOADNRUN112_CMD%" /clearcache [HOSTNAME [HOSTSUFFIX] ]
       "%II_LOADNRUN112_CMD%" comtestrso %II_LOADNRUN11_GATEWAY%
       "%II_LOADNRUN112_CMD%" /maxcount nnn comtestrso %II_LOADNRUN112_GATEWAY%
       "%II_LOADNRUN112_CMD%" /maxloop nnn comtestrso %II_LOADNRUN112_GATEWAY%
       "%II_LOADNRUN112_CMD%" /maxcount nnn /maxloop nnn comtestrso %II_LOADNRUN112_GATEWAY%
       "%II_LOADNRUN112_CMD%" /?
       "%II_LOADNRUN112_CMD%" /help
Enter "%II_LOADNRUN112_CMD%" /help for a detailed usage.
Enter "%II_LOADNRUN112_CMD%" /usage for summary of advanced option.
Display Loadnrun112.bat Detailed Usage
Enter the following command to display detailed usage of the Loadnrun command:
"%II_LOADNRUN11_CMD%" /help
It displays the following detailed output:
        "%II_LOADNRUN112_CMD%" /listcache  [HOSTNAME [HOSTSUFFIX] ]
        "%II_LOADNRUN112_CMD%" /listrun    [HOSTNAME [HOSTSUFFIX] ]
        "%II_LOADNRUN112_CMD%" /clearcache [HOSTNAME [HOSTSUFFIX] ]
        "%II_LOADNRUN112_CMD%" comtestrso %II_LOADNRUN11_GATEWAY%
        "%II_LOADNRUN112_CMD%" /maxcount nnn comtestrso %II_LOADNRUN112_GATEWAY%
        "%II_LOADNRUN112_CMD%" /maxloop nnn comtestrso %II_LOADNRUN112_GATEWAY%
        "%II_LOADNRUN112_CMD%" /maxcount nnn /maxloop nnn comtestrso %II_LOADNRUN112_GATEWAY%
        "%II_LOADNRUN112_CMD%" /?
        "%II_LOADNRUN112_CMD%" /help
Loadnrun Command Parameters
Loadnrun command parameters are defined as follows:
(Required) Specifies the name of the application that will be downloaded and started by loadnrun11. The APPNAME directory must contain the application image file, install4gl.txt, and any other resources needed to launch the application.
If the value of APPNAME is passed, then the value substituted is launcher.
(Required) Specifies the URL of the OpenROAD Gatekeeper used to access the OpenROAD Server. The Loadnrun Application Server Application (ASA) must be registered and functional.
(Optional) Specifies a different version of the application to be downloaded.
If the value of SUFFIX is passed, the value substituted is 112demo.
Displays summary usage information.
Displays detailed usage information.
Abbreviation: /h
(Optional) Switches on client diagnostic mode. Client diagnostic mode can assist with diagnosing problems with Loadnrun on the client side.
This switch is optional and must be the first parameter specified, if passed.
Abbreviation: /diag
(Optional) Switches on client debugging mode. This parameter is optional and must be the first one specified, if passed.
Abbreviation: /deb
(Optional) Displays Loadnrun environment information. This parameter is optional and must be the first one specified, if passed.
Abbreviation: /env
(Optional) A special APPNAME that is recognized by the loadnrun11.bat script, which uses the comtestrso.exe command to check connectivity to the Loadnrun Server application through the Gatekeeper.
This command performs a basic connectivity check from the Loadnrun Client to the OpenROAD Gatekeeper to the OpenROAD Server to the OpenROAD Loadnrun Application Server application.
The Loadnrun Server application contains the comtest ASA application, which can be used to verify that access to the Loadnrun application is available from the client.
/maxloop nnn
(Optional) Used with the comtestrso APPNAME. Specifies the default number of times the Loadnrun Server application will be accessed per iteration.
Abbreviation: /maxl
Default: 10
/maxcount nnn
(Optional) Used with the comtestrso APPNAME. Specifies the default number of iterations of the maxloop connections that will be made to the Loadnrun Server application.
Abbreviation: /maxc
Default: 10
Lists the directories that Loadnrun downloaded from the Loadnrun Server to the client machine.
If this switch is passed with no parameters, all directories located under the following directory are listed:
If the optional HOSTNAME parameter is passed, all directories located under the following directory are listed:
If the optional HOSTSUFFIX parameter is passed, all directories located under the following directory are listed:
This switch cannot be used with any other switches or parameters.
Abbreviation: /lis
Lists the full path of the run.bat file that Loadnrun downloaded from the Loadnrun Server to the client machine.
If this switch is passed with no parameters, all directories located under the following directory are searched:
If the optional HOSTNAME parameter is passed, all directories located under the following directory are searched:
If the optional HOSTSUFFIX parameter is passed, all directories located under the following directory are searched:
This switch cannot be used with any other switches or parameters.
Abbreviation: /listru
/clearcache [HOSTNAME [HOSTSUFFIX] ]
Clears the contents of the files that Loadnrun downloaded from the Loadnrun Server to the client machine.
If this switch is passed with no parameters, all files and directories located under the following directory are removed:
If the optional HOSTNAME parameter is passed, all files and directories located under the following directory are removed:
If the optional HOSTSUFFIX parameter is passed, all files and directories located under the following directory are removed:
This switch cannot be used with any other switches or parameters.
Abbreviation: /clearc
Last modified date: 06/25/2024