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Parameter Data Output Errors
The following error codes report problems encountered when converting the ByRef output back into VARIANT types to be marshaled back:
Attribute name not found. The expected attribute name was not found in a 4GL output object. The 4GL procedure may be attempting to return an object of a different class than what was input.
Attribute type not the same as it was on input. The data type of an attribute returned through ByRef from the 4GL procedure does not match the data type it had on input. The 4GL procedure may be attempting to return an object of a different class than what was input.
Row type not the same. The class of an array row returned through ByRef from the 4GL procedure does not match the class it had on input. The 4GL procedure may have assigned an instance of a subclass to that row.
Null array row. A null row was encountered in an OpenROAD array returned from the 4GL procedure. This cannot be represented in a COM safearray.
Output conversion error. The conversion from a 4GL data value to an equivalent VARIANT type failed.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024