Remote Application Details
You can display details for a remote application in the details pane.
To display remote application details
Left-click a Remote Application Registration node.
Details are displayed in the details pane.
To register a new remote application connection
Right-click the Remote node in the tree view, and select Register from the context menu.
Editable fields are displayed in the details pane:
The Remote Application details pane contains the following fields:
Specifies the registered AKA Name that clients use to request a connection. It is possible to have duplicate registrations with the same name (local and remote). When duplicates are found, connection load balancing is attempted.
Specifies the net address to be used when connecting to the Name Server of the remote installation (this AKA Name should appear as a local registration at the remote installation).
Used to override the client's default authentication level setting when connecting to the Name Server of the remote installation. Valid values are blank and unauthenticated. This can be used to allow clients outside the domain to connect to the installation.
Housekeeping Interval
Specifies the frequency with which housekeeping is invoked by the Server Manager. If set to zero, then no housekeeping is performed.
Auto Suspend
If Auto Suspend is On, then a failed housekeeping iteration causes this node to be suspended automatically. This occurs when the remote installation is also being monitored in this Server Manager profile and the remote installation's local registrations for this AKA Name are unavailable (that is, missing, manually disabled, or automatically suspended).
Last modified date: 06/25/2024