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STOPPING: Slave (Error Description)
This entry is logged when a slave is being shut down because of an error condition. Possible Error Description values are shown in the following table.
This event appears in the log with the following format:
Timestamp        STOPPING: SSid (Error Description)
                                     cnt         min         max         avg
             QueueUse/Depth:   SUseCount           0   SDepthMax   SDepthAvg
                  QueueWait:                       0ms  SWaitMax    SWaitAvg
                  Initiates:    SInitCnt    SInitMin    SInitMax    SinitAvg
                    Call4GL:  Call4GLCnt  Call4GLMin  Call4GLMax  Call4GLAvg
                ASOTrxCount:  SASOTRxCnt
Identifies the event timestamp. It has the following format:
Identifies a four-digit year value
Identifies a two-digit month value
Identifies a two-digit day value
Identifies a two-digit military hour value
Identifies a two-digit minute value
Identifies a two-digit second value
Identifies a three-digit millisecond value
Identifies the unique slave identifier. The slave ID is a unique number for each SPO instance.
The slave ID is passed to the ASO slave and can be used to ensure a unique name for the W4GL log file associated with each ASO slave in a pool. A ā€œ%sā€ replacement parameter in the -L log file name string will be expanded to the slave ID number. For more information about the -L flag and replacement parameters, see How the ASO Initiate Method Request Works.
Indicates the total number of requests that this slave has processed. This value generally represents the total number of Initiate and Call4GL requests processed by this slave. This value is not reset when an ASO slave is stopped and thus represents all requests that have been processed by the slave. The slave may have controlled several ASO slave instances.
Indicates the maximum number of requests that were queued to this slave while waiting for an ASO slave to process the request
Indicates the average number of requests that were queued to this slave while waiting for an ASO slave to process the request
Indicates the maximum time (in mSec) that a request was queued to the slave and waited to be processed
Indicates the average time (in mSec) that a request was queued to the slave and waiting to be processed
Indicates the total number of Call4GL requests processed by this slave
Indicates the minimum time to process a Call4GL request by this slave
Indicates the maximum time to process a Call4GL request by this slave
Indicates the average time to process a Call4GL request by this slave
Indicates the current ASO transaction count. This value is reset to zero when the ASO slave is stopped.
Error Description
Describes the error condition, which is one of the following:
Due to Timeout
Indicates when an ASO associated with a slave has not been used within the timeout period. The SPO has a global default value. This value can be specified per application signature. A value of 0 indicates that there is no timeout.
Due to ASOTrxLimit
Indicates when an ASO has reached the maximum number of transactions that it is allowed to process. The ASO will be stopped when the current Call4GL completes. A new ASO will be started automatically and the next Call4GL queued or received will be sent to it. The SPO has a global default value. This value can be specified per application signature. A value of 0 indicates that there is no timeout.
Due to Shutdown
This entry is logged when a slave is being stopped due to an SPO shutdown.
Due to Initiate Error HResult
This entry is logged when a fatal error occurs in the ASO during an Initiate request. Check the W4GL.log for additional information.
If the error originates in an OpenROAD component, the HResult value is documented in Error Codes and Messages. If the error is outside of OpenROAD, then HResult can be found in the WINERROR.H header from Microsoft.
Due to Call4GL HResult
Indicates when a fatal error occurs in the ASO during Call4GL processing. Check the W4GL.LOG for additional information.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024