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Sample VBScript COM Client Code Fragments
The following code fragments illustrate how to drive an OpenROAD Server application that uses ASOLib from a non-OpenROAD COM client. The client language chosen in this example is VBA, such as might be found in a Microsoft Word or Excel macro.
                                        '# Create a COM ASOSession helper obj   #
                                        '# and connect to the named application #
Set MyASOSession = CreateObject(“OpenROAD.ASOSession”)
 MyASOSession.Connect "Demo App 1"
                                        '# Declare the required BPM             #
MyASOSession.DefineBPM "uc_authors_pm"
                                        '# Declare the byref parameters         #
                                        '# for a GSCP call                      #
Set byrefPDO = CreateObject("OpenROAD.ParameterData")
byrefPDO.DeclareAttribute "b_arr_author" , "UCARRAY"
byrefPDO.DeclareAttribute "b_arr_author.v_name", "STRING" '# Author name #
byrefPDO.DeclareAttribute "b_arr_author.i_age", "INTEGER" '# Author age  #
                                        '# Call GSCP and check for user errors  #
                                        '# (fatal errors handled automatically) #
MyASOSession.CallPROC "SCP_GetAuthorList",,byrefPDO
If ASOSession.i_error_no <> 0 then
     MsgBox (MyASOSession.v_msg_txt)
End If  
                                        '# Inspect the data returned            #
rows = byrefPDO.LastRow( "b_arr_author" )
 For i = 1 To rows
     v_arr = "b_arr_author[" & i & "]"   '# Current row #
MsgBox (byrefPDO.GetAttribute( v_arr + ".v_name" ))
     MsgBox (byrefPDO.GetAttribute( v_arr + ".i_age" ))

Set byrefPDO = Nothing
                                        '# Destroy persistent session and       #
                                        '# release the connection               #
Set MyASOSession = nothing
Last modified date: 06/25/2024