The message transformation process is assisted by the new SerialRemoteServer (SRS) COM object. This object:
• Provides methods to serialize and deserialize the binary HTTP messages
• Wraps an underlying RemoteServer (RSO) which maintains the actual DCOM connection to the OpenROAD Server
The SerialRemoteServer wraps an RSO and provides Connect, Disconnect, and PassThruCallProc methods, in addition to the SerialCall4GL method and methods that help deserialize request messages and serialize response messages. These allow a gatekeeper application to communicate efficiently with an OpenROAD Server, over the same server connection as the client, to ask for help in authenticating a client's credentials, or for obtaining the list of permitted SCPs.
The SerialRemoteServer is implemented internally as a COM object, but the COM interface is not intended to be used directly. Gatekeeper code is expected to run in either a Java web server or an ASP.NET web server, so the gatekeeper uses only the Java or .NET interfaces to the SerialRemoteServer.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024