Server Component and Gatekeeper Configuration
After you run the OpenROAD installer and select the OpenROAD Server to be installed (on the Custom Setup installer panel, click OpenROAD
<ver>, Runtime, Server), server components are installed in the default locations listed in
Server Component Installation Locations.
To configure the OpenROAD server, a server administrator must run asreg.exe, the OpenROAD Server Installer (details are provided in
Start the Server Manager). After running asreg, if you are using only the OpenROAD 4GL interface, no further configuration is needed.
However, if you want to use the OpenROAD Server with Tomcat or need access from Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS), a server administrator must manually configure the 32-bit or 64-bit components.
In addition, if you need to use the .NET client or the 32-bit or 64-bit Java client, a server administrator must manually configure the appropriate gatekeeper (see
Server Component Installation Locations).
The following sections describe these manual operations and how to configure them for use with the OpenROAD Server.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024