Session Details
The Sessions details pane displays session details for a specific Client session retrieved at the last session summary snapshot (see also
Specify the Tracing Level).
The fields in the Sessions details pane are:
Context ID
Indicates the internally allocated client session context identifier
Date Registered
Indicates the (OpenROAD Server) date and time that the session was created
Date Last Hit
Indicates the most recent (OpenROAD Server) date and time that the session context was used
Indicates the currently defined BPM userclass for the session
Indicates the user name that the client identified itself with when it called system SCP CreateASOSession()
User ID
Indicates the numeric ID that the client identified itself with when it called system SCP CreateASOSession()
User Type
Indicates the client type that the client identified itself with when it called system SCP CreateASOSession()
Indicates the net address that the client identified itself with when it called system SCP CreateASOSession()
Destroy Session
Destroys the session after confirmation. It issues a call to system SCP DestroyASOSession() so that the session can be disposed of cleanly. (It provides the same functionality as Kill Session on the Client Sessions context menu.)
Last modified date: 06/25/2024