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View Server Configuration Information
When the Server Manager initializes, two panes are initially displayed:
All Objects pane (on the left side)
Application Server Application Summary pane (on the right side)
To see the server configuration information
Click the machine name tree node named, NS1=\\machine-name.
In the right pane, the SPO Configuration Information is displayed.
The SPO information is divided into two sections:
Summary Snapshot
These sections are described in the following sections.
SPO Section
The SPO section contains the parameters that supply the global default for the OpenROAD Server Pooler. These parameters are described as follows.
Note:  Any changes to these parameters require the SPO to be stopped and restarted.
Maximum Dispatchers
Specifies the maximum number of dispatchers that can be started in the SPO
Default: 48
Maximum Total Slaves
Specifies the maximum number of slaves that can be started in the SPO
Default: 48
Note:  A dispatcher can be configured to control more than one slave. If this is done, the dispatcher will attempt to reserve the maximum number of slaves when it is created. This could exhaust the value specified in this resource even if not all slaves have been started. Ensure that the value for this parameter is set to the maximum number of slaves that can be started by all dispatchers.
Purge Interval
Specifies the interval that ASOs will be checked to see if they need to be released. An ASO will be released if the client reference count reaches zero and this interval has expired.
Default: 1 minute
Shutdown Grace Period
Specifies the period that the SPO will wait before continuing with a shutdown request. This period should give any active ASO request time to complete before continuing with the shutdown. After this value expires, all ASOs will be forced to shut down regardless of the status of any active request.
Default: 15 seconds
Run Authorized Apps Only
Specifies whether dispatchers are restricted to run only authorized image files. An image file is considered to be authorized by registering it with the Server Manager. (ASOLib does not need to be used in the application.) This is intended to prevent unauthorized image files from being launched as ASO slaves by the SPO. If this parameter is set to YES, the SPO will create a dispatcher only if the ImageFile parameter of the Initiate has been predefined through the Server Manager.
Default: NO
Restricted ASO Log Path
Specifies whether the full path defined in the -L parameter of the signature should be used. If this parameter is set to YES, the file name is extracted from the -L parameter and the file is created in the default location for Ingres log files (II_LOG or %II_SYSTEM%\ingres\files).
Default: NO
Use Application Signature Names (ASNs)
The signature of an OpenROAD Server application uniquely identifies an ASO configuration for the purposes of pooling shared ASO instances. The full signature is actually a concatenation of the ImgFile and CmdFlags parameters that were passed to the Initiate method. For each unique signature that the SPO encounters, a separate dispatcher instance is created to manage the pool of (one or more) shared slaves assigned to that signature. All clients that call Initiate with the same signature are assigned to the same dispatcher and share the same pool of slaves.
The configuration of a dispatcher (such as the number of slaves, timeout period, transaction limit, and so on) is controlled by the JSON configuration file at two levels. First there are global defaults. Then there are per-signature overrides that apply to specific dispatchers. Therefore, all signatures that share the same image name also share the same dispatcher configuration options.
So, the image name is already used as a JSON configuration file entry to control dispatcher configuration options. The application signature name concept just abstracts that one step further and takes full advantage of a level of indirection through the JSON configuration file. When a client passes an application signature as the ImgFile/image parameter on the Initiate method, that application signature is interpreted as a unique key with which all the information needed to configure a dispatcher and configure the ASOs can be obtained from the JSON configuration file. Moreover, that JSON configuration file entry provides a place to put new ASO configuration options, such as environment variables. This allows different ASO instances under a single SPO to have different environment settings.
To prevent any risk of changing behavior for existing installations, the ASN feature will remain dormant unless the JSON configuration file entry "usesignatureguids" is set to a nonzero value, which will activate the new behavior.
After the feature is activated, if the image string passed on an Initiate call begins with a curly brace "{", then that string is interpreted as an ASN and not a real image name. This ASN string is then used to find an application having a "guid" with this name to obtain the "real" imgfile and cmdflags strings (any flags passed on the Initiate by the client are ignored in this case). Furthermore, if this application has "environment" and/or "environment_exp" members, then all the environment variables specified there will be set before the Initiate call is passed to the OpenROAD runtime. Environment variables in the "environment_exp" member will be expanded, that is, if their values contain one or more environment-variable strings in the form: %variableName%, for each such reference, the %variableName% portion is replaced with the current value of that environment variable.
This change is transparent to the SPO. The SPO treats an ASN image string just like any other image string. All the transformation happens inside the ASO and applies the same way for private and shared ASOs.
Summary Snapshot
The following parameters are in the Summary Snapshot section and control the SPO log operation and behavior.
Trace Interval
Specifies the frequency that the DispatcherMgr, dispatchers, and slaves will have their status written to the SPO log
Default: 30 minutes
Trace Level
Specifies whether the SPO log is enabled or disabled. A value of ON enables SPO logging. A value of OFF disables SPO logging.
Default: OFF
Note:  We recommend you set this parameter to ON. SPO logging has very little overhead and will greatly aid in diagnosing any unusual SPO behaviors or problems.
Trace File Name
Specifies the location of the SPO log file
Trace File Append
Specifies whether the SPO should be opened as a new file or should be opened in APPEND mode. The value of YES indicates that log information should be appended to the existing file. A value of NO indicates that the SPO log should not append new log entries.
Default: YES
Note:  We recommend that you set this parameter to YES. The SPO log will then contain information for all instances of the SPO. This is particularly useful in diagnosing problems that are related to the SPO terminating abnormally or startup and shutdown problems. This will prevent information being lost when a new SPO is started.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024