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jsonrpcservertest Application
This is a sample OpenROAD server application that you can use to test sample JSON-RPC requests against the OpenROAD Servlet.
The 4GL source of the jsonrpcservertest application is in:
Windows: %II_SYSTEM%\ingres\files\orjsonsamples\jsonrpcservertest.xml
Linux: $II_SYSTEM/ingres/files/orjsonsamples/jsonrpcservertest.xml
A test user frame is provided, which you can run using the Runimage utility or from the command line:
w4glrun jsonrpcservertest.img -ctest -Tyes -Ljsonrpctest.log
It looks like this:
The first group of fields represents parameters to the RemoteServer.Initiate() method such as Location, Type, Routing and Flags. Click the Initiate button to establish a connection.
The second group of fields contains a Test Case dropdown for each 4GL procedure in the jsonrpcservertest application. You can select a sample test case from the dropdown and click the JsonRpcRequest button to send a JSON-RPC request over the initiated connection.
Clicking Release disconnects the initiated connection.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024