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MouseEnterNode Event
The MouseEnterNode event occurs when the mouse cursor enters a TreeviewField’s TreeNode. A corresponding MouseExitNode event occurs when the mouse cursor leaves the node.
MouseEnterNode events do not occur when the mouse is captured (when the mouse is held down as the move occurs). If a MouseEnterNode event and a MouseEnter event for the TreeviewField happen simultaneously, the MouseEnter event is triggered first. If the FullRowSelect attribute is set, the node is considered entered if the whitespace adjacent to the node is entered.
This event has the following syntax:
on MouseEnterNode [treeviewfieldname]
The following FrameExec class attributes can be used in the event block:
Specifies the TreeviewField that the mouse entered
Specifies the TreeviewField specified in the MouseEnter statement. This is always the TreeviewField containing the TriggerNode.
The following TreeviewField class attribute can be used in the event block:
Specifies the TreeNode that was entered
Last modified date: 06/25/2024