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Change Grid Spacing
OpenROAD Reporter lets you place fields anywhere on the form or align them on a default grid. Using the grid makes it easier to align fields accurately.
To change grid spacing
1. Click Options, Grid Spacing.
The Grid Spacing dialog appears.
2. Specify the size of the cells in the grid in any of the following ways:
Enter values (in 1000ths of an inch) in the Width and Height fields.
Use the horizontal and vertical sliders.
Click the cell in the center of the model grid; then use the resize handle to adjust the size of the cell.
3. (Optional) Click the Grid On/Off edit control.
When the Grid On/Off toggle field is checked in the Grid Spacing dialog, all fields are automatically aligned with the grid points as you add them to the report document.
4. Click Apply.
Reporter changes all of the grid cells to the specified size.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024