Customize the Built-in Active Display Buttons
To customize the Active Display button options, you can do one of the following:
• Edit, delete, or add to the existing buttons following the convention in use
• Replace any or all of the buttons with your own buttons and appropriate event code.
The following paragraphs describe how to work within the convention in use.
To delete a menu or toolbar button
Delete the field.
This will not prevent the frame from executing; it will simply make that facility unavailable.
To add a menu or toolbar button
1. Create the button within the relevant menustack or toolbar stackfield—with an icon, if appropriate—and a label or tooltip text naming the action it triggers.
2. It is not necessary to name the button; instead, add a tagged value entry to the field, defining the event in the tagname and the request code in the tag text.
• Define the event as a single lowercase word: "on" followed by the eventname. For example:
• Define the request code as two words separated by a colon (":")—the requesttype followed by the action to perform. The requesttype tag should have one of the following values, depending on whether the functionality relates to the data, the display, a tablefield, or some other purpose (you may add your own requesttypes):
– data
– frame
– tbl
– misc
3. The action tag should have a value indicating the function. Standard values include open, close, next, sort, resize. You also may add your own action tags.
Examples of request codes are:
To trigger the built-in functions
You must use one of the responsetype/action combinations already in use in the menu and toolbar buttons; examine the clienttext of these fields to see what those combinations are.
Note: Response codes stored in the clienttext are activated by Click events only; for other event types, the codes must be stored in tagged values as described previously (click responses can also be stored in tagged values with a tag of "onclick").
For more information about viewing and setting field tagged values, see
Edit Tagged Values for a User Class, Attribute, Method, Field, or Frame.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024