How You Can Manage Database Interactions
Developing an application with multiple concurrent frames raises issues about transaction management. If a single control frame lets the user open several concurrent child frames, a single lock is held for the entire session. If a commit or rollback statement is issued in any of the open frames, all database transactions are affected.
If you develop an application with unrelated open frames, you may want to open a different database session for each frame. However, if your frames are related, a single transaction may be more appropriate.
In a sequential frame application, you may want to commit database transactions as the user closes each frame. In a multiple-use frame, you may want to keep a single transaction open for the life of the frame.
If your application uses a single database session, only one database transaction is in effect for all the active frames, possibly causing locking conflicts for other users. If the application uses multiple sessions, you must consider concurrency issues, not only between different users but also between different transactions initiated by the same user.
For more information about these issues, see the Programming Guide.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024