Manage Tab
This tab lets you manage the OpenROAD Server using the same functionality as the former Visual OpenROAD Server Administrator application (Visual OSA). This tab lets you build and deploy OpenROAD 4GL business logic to the OpenROAD Server so that it can be accessed by a thin client.
Note: The Manage tab is available only if you have installed the OpenROAD Server.
The Manage tab contains the following portlets:
Server Manager
Displays a Microsoft Explorer tree-style interface with two panes:
Left pane (tree view)
Displays a hierarchy of nodes represented with icons. Each node has a right-click context menu.
Right pane (details)
Displays the contents of the currently highlighted node. The right pane may contain a tab folder, and each page within the folder may contain additional tab folders.
For more information about the Manage tab, see the chapter "Debugging Your Application" in the Programming Guide and "Managing and Monitoring the OpenROAD Server" in the Server Reference Guide.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024