Move and Resize Fields
After you have created a field on the form, you can move the field (if move handles are displayed) or resize it (if resize handles are displayed).
Note: You can save your changes at any time using the File, Save menu command. If you try to close a frame without having saved your changes, the Frame Editor prompts you to do so.
To move an individual field
1. Position the mouse cursor inside the field.
2. Click and hold the mouse button.
3. Drag the field to its new position.
4. Release the mouse button.
To move a group of fields
1. Hold down the Shift key and select several fields in succession.
Alternatively, enclose the group in a selection box.
2. Drag the group to its new position.
3. Release the mouse button.
To resize an individual field
1. Position the mouse cursor on one of the field's sizing handles.
Note: The corner handles let you change both dimensions with the same operation.
2. Click and hold the mouse button.
3. Drag the handle to increase or decrease the size of the field.
4. Release the mouse button.
To move and resize an individual field using the Property Inspector
1. Select the field on the form.
The Property Inspector displays the properties of the field.
2. Use the Property Inspector's Position and Size filter to restrict the display to relevant properties.
3. Use the Height and Width properties to specify, in 1000ths of an inch, the height and width of the field.
4. Use the XLeft, XRight, YBottom, and YTop properties to specify the location of the field relative to a containing composite field, if any.
5. Use the AbsXLeft, AbsXRight, AbsYBottom, and AbsYTop properties to specify the location of the field relative to the form.
6. (Optional) Set the field's AnchorPoint property to a predetermined point such as AP_TOPLEFT, AP_CENTER, or AP_BOTTOMRIGHT.
• You can also resize all selected fields to be the same size as the smallest or largest selected field using Layout, Resize to Smallest or Layout, Resize to Largest command, respectively.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024