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OpenROAD Reporter Main Menus
The following menus are available in the main OpenROAD Reporter window. Many menu commands are also available as buttons on the Reporter toolbars.
File Menu
Includes the usual file management commands that let you create a new file, open, import, or export a file; save, revert to last saved version of a file, import from or export to a file; close, delete, compile, or print a file; and exit the program
Edit Menu
Includes the usual editing commands—Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, and so on—and commands letting you fuse two texts, select fields, access the Query Editor, delete the current page, insert a new page, and refresh the display
View Menu
Includes commands that let you view the status bar, pages of the report document, and SQL code. The Toolbars command lets you specify which toolbars you want displayed in the Reporter window.
Options Menu
Includes commands that let you specify the arrangement of components in the Reporter window, set the grid spacing, and save settings now or on exiting
Insert Menu
Includes commands that let you choose select mode, add text, and add fields to your report document
Layout Menu
Includes commands that let you enhance the appearance of the report in various ways. This menu also contains two status indicators: The Lock/Unlock toggle under the Position & Size command and Object Has Default API Code, which Reporter sets when the user edits the API code for a field.
Tools Menu
Includes commands that let you adjust document properties, to edit the lists of fields and variables in the current document, to access the Procedure List, to manage the Image Catalog, to set default screen fonts, and to synchronize properties and propagate graphical properties to children
Window Menu
Includes the Close All command
Help Menu
Includes the standard help commands
Last modified date: 06/25/2024