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Specify Included Applications
After you specify an included application, you can use any of its components in the current application. When OpenROAD calls a component in a running application and cannot find that component in the application itself, it looks through the included applications in the order in which you have listed them.
Note:  If you add a component to an application that is in an included application that is being edited, you cannot reference the component in the first application until you close and reopen the second application.
To include an application in your application
1. Click the Develop tab.
2. Select your application in the Applications portlet.
3. Click the Included Applications portlet tab.
Note:  Even though the default core application library is not displayed in this window, its components are available to all applications.
4. Beneath the Included Applications portlet header, click the Insert Application icon:
Note:  If one or more applications are already included, the Insert Application Above and Insert Application Below icons are displayed. Select an included application and then click the appropriate icon.
The Add Included Application dialog appears. This dialog lets you add an application from the current database or an image (.img or .pkg) file.
5. Select the Include from Image File option.
The Add Included Application dialog changes slightly.
6. Click Browse.
A standard File Selection dialog appears.
7. Select each library that you want to include (for example, misc.pkg).
Note:  To specify any of the OpenROAD predefined application libraries, the image file name used is the application name with an extension of .pkg.
8. Click Open.
The name of the file you selected is displayed in the Image File field.
9. Click OK.
The Included Applications portlet now displays the selected application library as an included application.
10. Repeat Steps 4–9 to include any other applications.
The Include Applications window now displays all of the specified application libraries as included applications.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024