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The tabbed_dialog Field Template
The tabbed_dialog field template is used to provide the overall layout and page-switching functionality of a tabbed dialog and can be used as a starting point for developing a multi‑paged dialog.
Create a Tabbed Dialog
You can create a tabbed dialog using the tabbed_dialog field template in the Frame Editor.
To create a tabbed dialog
1. On the Develop tab, in the Components portlet, open the frame in which you want to create the field from the field template.
2. Click Insert, Field From Field Template.
The Select a Field Template dialog appears.
3. Select the misc application and the tabbed_dialog template, and then click OK.
4. Position the field on the frame.
The Tabbed Dialog Assistant appears.
5. In the Number of Pages field, enter the number of pages to be included in the tabbed dialog.
Default: 2
Limits: 6 maximum
6. Click Generate.
The field is created and displayed on the form.
You can place other control fields on each of the pages of the tabbed dialog, as desired. You can also change the title of the pages by modifying the property of the corresponding box trim.
How a Tabbed Dialog Works
At runtime, the user can switch between different display sheets by clicking the tab above the displayed page. The currently selected tab is highlighted to indicate its selected state.
After you have created a tabbed dialog, you can continue to place other control fields on each of its pages and make any necessary modifications to the field.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024