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3GL procedure
A 3GL procedure is a set of 3GL statements that you can call by name in an application. 3GL procedures let you access code written in third-generation languages, such as C or C++.
4GL procedure
A 4GL procedure is a set of 4GL (fourth-generation language) statements that you can call by name in an application. 4GL procedures are written in the OpenROAD 4GL described in the OpenROAD Language Reference Guide.
ABF is an abbreviation for Application-By-Forms.
about_box frame template
The about_box frame template is an OpenROAD core library template that creates a standard dialog containing basic information about the current application. It includes the application's name and version number, the name of the current database, current version information for OpenROAD, and an image trim field that you can customize with your company's logo.
active frame
An active frame is a frame that has the input focus and that end users can work in. Users can click the mouse in the frame, select menu or button operations, or enter data. They can also reposition the frame on the screen.
active_display template
The active_display frame template is an OpenROAD core library template that creates a standard dialog containing a set of menu and toolbar buttons. It also contains the basic code to drive an object-based display generated using the Display from User Class facility in the Frame Editor. It supports retrieval and step-through of all records in the database that map to the specified user class, and lets you edit and delete these and related records.
analog_clock field template
The analog_clock field template displays the time of day using a standard analog clock face (with hour and minute hands) and supports optional alarms that users can set.
AppFlags specify parameters or flags for the application. These parameters can be positional or keyword parameters and are provided via the -/appflags metaflag of the w4gldev or w4glrun commands. They can also be set through the Parameters field of the Application Properties in the OpenROAD Workbench. AppFlags can be accessed within an application through the AppFlags attribute of the SessionObject. For a list of AppFlags that are interpreted by the OpenROAD Workbench application, see Start OpenROAD Workbench from the Windows Command Prompt.
application image
An application image is a version of an application that is stored in an operating system file outside of the database.
associate table
An associate table can be joined to a primary table to provide additional data. The columns from each table can be included as fields in the frame.
bar field
A bar field is a form field that appears as a rectangle that represents a numeric value. The bar is displayed against a background, and the bar size compared to the background size illustrates the proportional value of the field.
bar_graph field template
The bar_graph field template displays the data from one to three data sets in a common bar graph format.
Borders are rectangular boxes around fields. By specifying part of a border, you can outline part of a field, such as its top or bottom.
bounding rectangle
A bounding rectangle is the rectangular outer boundary of a field. For non-rectangular fields such as ellipses and line segments, the bounding rectangle is the smallest rectangle that can contain the field.
box trim
Box trim is a field type that appears as text within a rectangular boundary on a a form.
break column
A break column is a column that defines a page break.
build command
A build command is a saved settings profile for use with an OpenROAD utility (for example, MakeImage).
build script
A build script is an ordered collection of build commands.
button field
A button field is represented as a rectangle that the user clicks to initiate an operation. Such buttons are commonly called push buttons or command buttons.
calculated expression field
A calculated expression field uses functions and arithmetic operators to compute a value.
calculator frame template
The calculator frame template is a core library template that creates a complete, four-function calculator in a pop-up frame.
calculator_control field template
The calculator_control field template creates a complete four-function calculator in a user frame. In addition to chained arithmetic calculations, the calculator includes memory storage and recall, square, square root, and inverse features.
calendar field template
The calendar field template creates a calendar that lets the user select the day, month, and year.
called frame, calling frame
When one of these statements or a procedure appears in a frame script, the frame that contains the statement is referred to as the calling frame, and the frame to which control is passed is the called frame.
character formatting
Character formatting determines how report text—including letters, numbers, punctuation, and symbols—appears on the screen and in print.
child field
A field contained within a composite field is referred to as a child field.
A class is a named object definition.
Class Browser
The Class Browser provides a comprehensive look at all the classes defined to or used by your application. It also lets you browse the methods and properties of external class objects and those of system and user class objects.
column of a selected table field
A Column of a Selected Table type of field is one whose value is determined by the main query when the report is run. It references one of the columns selected from one of the tables specified in the FROM clause of the query.
composite field
A composite field is a field that may contain other fields. Most composite fields can contain fields of any type, even other composite fields.
control button
A control button is a control that appears on a form as a button that users can click to display a menu of commands or call a dialog.
control frame
The control frame application type displays a single frame that provides access to other frames and lets the user quit the application.
countdown_timer field template
The countdown_timer field template creates a countdown timer that displays a timer that counts down from a specified amount of time since the frame was opened and updates at a specified time interval.
current bias
A field's current bias is the bias setting for a frame's current mode. The bias setting for a mode determines how the user interacts with the field when the frame is in that mode.
database connection profile
A database connection profile is a collection of settings used to establish a connection with a local or remote database.
database event
Database events provide communication between two applications that are connected to the same database.
Database Procedures
A database procedure is a set of SQL statements that you can call by name in an application. Database procedures let you call data-oriented procedures that are stored and executed within the database server.
data-driven application
A data-driven application lets you provide different operational choices to different users from a single frame that can be used throughout several applications. The choices that appear on the menu are stored in a database table or a runtime array and are displayed selectively at runtime based on such information as the end user's login or group ID.
date_field field template
The date_field field template is used to create an entry field of the type date.
detail frame template
The detail frame template is used to generate a frame that binds a database query that exists with a one-to-many primary-detail entity relationship with the detail table field associated with calling frames generated from the table_field, master_detail, or detail frame templates.
digital_clock field template
The digital_clock field template creates a digital clock that displays the time of day and supports optional alarms the user can set.
display_dt field template
The display_dt field template creates any of a number of field types, each customized to a particular subtype based on its data type and intended use. It will create, for example, fields customized to handle date without time, time without date, date plus time, and so on.
duplicate spacing
Duplicate spacing refers to the relative position where a duplicate field will be created and place in relation to the original field.
The eClient is a digitally signed, self-contained control that contains a packaged version of OpenROAD runtime. When the eClient is placed on a web server and referenced using OBJECT tags on an HTML web page, a client machine running Internet Explorer can automatically download and install the runtime, and run user applications.
edit_control field template
The edit_control field template generates a self-contained text editor with support for File and Edit operations. It is used by the text_editor frame template and can also be included as a component of other frames.
elapsed_timer field template
The elapsed_timer field template provides an elapsed timer that displays elapsed time in digital (hh:mm) format.
An ellipse is a round or oval shape that can be either empty or filled.
The process of allowing only the object itself to have access to its attributes and methods is called encapsulation.
event blocks
Event blocks are blocks of 4GL code that OpenROAD executes when the user or the program initiates a specified action or event.
explosion frame template
The explosion frame template is used to generate a frame that displays in greater detail a single row from the table field of a frame generated from the table_field, master_detail, or detail frame templates.
external class
An external class defines the class properties, methods, and events for one or more external objects.
external object
External objects are external controls such as charts, grid controls, HTML controls, and web browsers from independent software vendors.
field script
A field script or menu script contains the code for a single field or menu item, respectively, such as a radio field or a menu toggle. Field and menu scripts can contain initialization code, event blocks and local procedures.
field templates
Field templates are prototypes from which you can generate individual fields on a form.
Field Tree
The OpenROAD Field Tree lets you view all of the fields defined to a frame and provides you with an alternative method of locating and selecting a field on the frame currently being edited.
financial_calculator frame template
The financial_calculator frame template is a finance library template that can be used to include a prepackaged calculator frame in your application. This calculator supports a variety of loan and investment calculations, including present value, future value, interest rate, duration, payment, and amortization.
find_dialog frame template
The find_dialog frame template is a core library template that provides a standard dialog for searching and optionally replacing text in a specified entry field on a form. It can be configured as either a Find or a Replace dialog.
flexible form
A flexible form appears as a group of fields that are contained by a flexible boundary. When you move an individual field in the group, the boundary stretches accordingly.
float_field field template
The float_field field template is used to create an entry field of the type float.
floating menu bar
The floating menu bar is the free-standing menu bar of the Frame Editor.
font_dialog frame template
The font_dialog frame template is a core library template that provides a standard interface for changing the font settings of field text at runtime. In addition to including controls for selecting the font typeface, size, and style, the dialog contains a sample display so that users can preview their changes before applying them.
A form is a two-foot by two-foot “canvas” that lies beneath a frame's window. It is the portion of the frame where the user displays or modifies data, views illustrations, reads instructions, and selects options.
format template
A format template is a picture of how the data in a field should look, and specifies what type of data the end user can enter.
foundational application
Foundational applications are typically the OpenROAD image files that are part of the included application list of the OpenROAD image file contained in a 4GL Control application.
A frame is a window that consists of a form, with or without a menu, used to display and input data.
Frame Editor
The Frame Editor is the primary editor in the OpenROAD development environment for creating, viewing, and modifying frames.
frame template
A frame template is a frame that you use as a model for creating similar frames.
free trim
Free trim is a field type that appears as text without a boundary on a form.
gauge field template
The gauge field template is used to create a thermometer‑style bar gauge that can be used to monitor progress, resource levels, or other numeric data in your application.
ghost frame
Ghost frames are used to manage and coordinate applications without user interaction. Ghost frames differ from other OpenROAD user frames in that they do not contain forms (thus making them invisible to the user).
global constant
A global constant is a value to which you give a name. You can then use this name to represent the value any place in an application.
global procedure
A global procedure is a procedure that can be shared among frames, applications, and procedures.
global variable
A global variable is a variable that you can use in any script or procedure in an application. It contains data that any script or procedure in the application can access.
image field
An image field is a field that displays a picture on a form.
image file
An image file is a compiled, executable version of an OpenROAD application. File names end with the extension .img.
image trim
Image trim is a field type that appears as a picture on a form.
inactive frame
An inactive frame is one in which the end user cannot execute an operation.
include script
An include script is a segment of 4GL code that you can include in any script or procedure in an application.
included application
An included application is an application that is embedded in another application.
initialize block
An initialize block is an optional portion of a script used to declare parameters, local variables, and procedures.
input masking
Input masking helps to ensure that end users always enter a valid character in a field that has a format specified. If the end user enters a character that is invalid for the field's format, the machine beeps and the end user cannot leave the position or field until a correct entry is made.
integer_field field template
The integer_field field template is used to create an entry field of the type integer.
keyboard map file
A keyboard map file contains an alternative mapping of logical names to physical keyboard keys that may be more appropriate for your needs than the default mapping.
line segment
A line segment is a shape field that appears as a single line that you draw between two points on a form.
line_graph field template
The line_graph field template creates a line graph that displays data from one to three data sets in a standard line graph format.
list field
A list field displays a series of options from which the user can make one or multiple selections depending on its SelectionType property.
list view field
A list view field lets the end user view and optionally manipulate or edit a list of items.
local procedure
A local procedure is a procedure that lets you modularize code for a single frame, field, or procedure.
lookup table
Lookup tables are bound to a specific column in a primary table and are used to provide a list of possible values for those columns. Lookup tables are also used during user input as a validation mechanism.
macro variable
A macro variable is a preprocessor variable whose value is specified when the application is processed by the OpenROAD preprocessor.
primary-detail template
Like the simple_field and table_field frame templates, the master_detail frame template creates a database table browser. However, primary-detail frames perform two queries that exist in a one-to-many primary-detail entity relationship.
matrix field
A matrix field appears as a rectangle that contains fields arranged in rows and columns. The component fields stay aligned even if you rearrange or reorder them. The matrix field can include any combination of fields.
menu bar
A menu bar contains a set of pull-down menus available on the frame.
menu button
A menu button is a menu item that displays a word or phrase that the user can click to initiate an operation.
menu field script
You can provide 4GL code for a menu item—called a menu field script—to specify the operation that is performed when a user selects the menu item.
menu frame
A menu frame is an otherwise empty frame except that it contains a menu bar.
menu item
Menu items each provide an operation (or command) by which the user communicates with the frame. Menu items are also called menu buttons.
menu script
A field script or menu script contains the code for a single field or menu item, respectively, such as a radio field or a menu toggle. Field and menu scripts can contain initialization code, event blocks and local procedures.
menu separator
A menu separator is a line divider that separates the individual components of a menu into groups. Menu separators are used for display purposes only.
menu toggle
A menu toggle displays an option that the user can enable (turn on) or disable (turn off). Each time the user clicks the toggle, the status of the option switches.
meter field template
The meter field template is used to create a semicircular meter that resembles an automobile speedometer. A meter field can be used to monitor resource levels or other numeric data in your application.
money_field field template
The money_field field template is used to create an entry field of the type money.
multiline entry field
Like a single-line entry field, a multiline entry field displays data. However, at the end of each line of a multiline entry field, OpenROAD automatically wraps the text to fill in the field.
multiple use frame
The multiple use frame structure uses a single frame to step the user through related tasks. Wizards are examples of multiple use frames.
numeric template
Numeric templates consist of one or more special characters. Each of the special characters represents what data can be entered at that position in the number.
An object in object-oriented programming (OOP) is a data structure that holds values that you can manipulate. Each OpenROAD component—such as a frame, form, or menu item—is an object.
option field
An option field appears as a drop-down list of values from which the end user can make one selection. Only the current value is displayed.
page step
A page step is the distance the bar is scrolled each time the user clicks the arrow at either end of a scroll bar.
palette field
A palette field appears as a group of buttons, each displaying an image and representing an option to the user (similar to the field palette in the Frame Editor). The user selects an option by clicking one of the images.
pop-up button
A pop-up button is a button control that has an option menu associated with it.
pop-up frame
Pop-up frames are frames that remain on top of the calling frame as long as the pop-up is active.
A procedure is a set of statements that you can call by name from a script. You can write procedures in 4GL, and you can call existing 3GL and database procedures.
property filters
The Property Inspector features property filters that restrict the display of properties to certain types. For example, you may want to use a property filter to limit the list of available properties to those concerning only the frame's appearance.
pull-down menu
Pull-down menus consist of a menu button that, when selected, displays a submenu of items. These items can be of any menu type, including another pull-down or slide‑off menu.
query_bar field template
The query_bar field template provides a standard toolbar for automatically browsing and filtering the results of a QueryObject retrieval.
radio field
A radio field appears as a group of buttons, each of which represents an option for users of the application. When the user clicks a radio button, the selected option is turned on and all other options are turned off.
read/write application
A more complex type of control frame application, the read/write application provides concurrent frames that let end users enter data in some frames and select data in other frames.
read-only application
A read-only application is one that opens several concurrent read-only frames from the control frame. This lets end users have several concurrent frames for display purposes.
A rectangle is a four-sided background shape that can be empty or filled.
Registration means that OpenROAD wrapper code has been generated for an external object's exported attributes, methods, and events.
report section
A report section is the basic unit of layout in a report. Sections can contain fields, text, and graphics.
root application
A root application is the application that includes other applications.
root item
A root item is a top-level item in a hierarchical tree structure that has no parent.
RWConv utility
The RWConv utility lets you convert existing Report-Writer reports from the system catalog into OpenROAD 4GL procedures that can be run using the Reporter API.
scalar field
A scalar field is a field that lets the application accept data from users or display data to users.
A schema is a named collection of tables in a database.
sequential frames
Sequential frames force the user to follow a set of sequential steps by closing the control frame as the detail frame opens. A separate frame is used for each individual section of the task.
shape field
A shape field is a graphic element, a geometric figure, that provides a background for other fields on a form. Users cannot interact with shape fields.
simple field
A simple field is an individual field that is not a composite field.
simple_field frame template
The simple_field frame template creates a standard database table browser. The generated frame consists of a matrix of entry fields, which are automatically loaded with the results of a single query against one or more joined tables.
single-line entry field
A single-line entry field provides one line on which you can either display information for the end user or let the user enter (or modify) information.
singleton select query
A singleton select query is one for which only one row may be returned. If the query returns more than one row, a runtime error will result.
slide-off menu
Slide-off menus consist of a menu button that, when selected, displays a submenu of items. These items can be of any menu type, including another pull-down or slide‑off menu.
A slider consists of a slider bar and a drag box. The user selects an integer value by dragging the box into position on the bar.
smallint_field field template
The smallint_field field template is used to create an entry field of the type smallint.
sort columns
Sort columns can be table columns or calculated fields created in the document. Sort columns determine the ordering of data in a report.
spin_control field template
The spin_control field template is used to create a control consisting of an entry field and up and down buttons that increment or decrement the value displayed in the field. A spin control can contain integer, float, money, date, or varchar data.
splash_screen frame template
The splash_screen frame template is a core library template that provides a start-up window, which appears briefly when your application starts up to identify the application name and version number.
A sprite is an image embedded in a field background.
stack field
A stack field appears as a set of fields that remain aligned if you rearrange or reorder them. The stack can include any combination of fields.
step marker
Step markers are above and below the scroll bar elevator, often at the top and bottom of the scroll bar. For example, a value of 10 moves the elevator 10 units in the appropriate direction.
stop_watch field template
The stop_watch field template creates a stopwatch that shows the length of time since the timer's activation. The timer is updated at predetermined intervals.
style sheet
A style sheet defines the appearance of each type of field that can appear on any frame using that template. A style sheet lets you specify certain style attributes for each type of field that you can create for that frame or frame template.
A subform appears as a group of fields that are contained by a fixed boundary on a form. You determine the boundary size when you create the subform. The fields within the subform can be of any type.
system classes
System classes are object definitions that OpenROAD provides. By using OpenROAD system classes and their associated attributes and methods, you can manipulate OpenROAD application components from your scripts and procedures.
tab folder
A tab folder field is used to present data or a series of choices in a multiple-page format. By default, it consists of three blank tab pages that resemble file folders. When the end user clicks one of the tabs on the tab bar, the corresponding page moves to the foreground and enables access to its data and fields.
tabbed_dialog field template
The tabbed_dialog field template is used to provide the overall layout and page-switching functionality of a tabbed dialog and can be used as a starting point for developing a multi‑paged dialog.
table field
A table field appears as active fields arranged in rows and columns. Each column is a stack of identical active fields. Each row consists of one active field from each column in the table field.
table_editor frame template
The table_editor frame template is an OpenROAD core library template that creates a standard dialog in tabular format containing a set of menu and toolbar buttons. It also includes the basic code to drive a database table-based display. It supports retrieval and sorting of all records in the database table that map to the specified user class, and adding, editing, and deleting these records.
table_field template
Like the simple_field frame template, the table_field frame template creates a standard database table browser. The generated frame consists of a table field, which is automatically loaded with the results of a single query against one or more joined tables. Each table field column maps by name and type to one of the result columns of the query.
tagged values
Tagged values are keyword/value combinations that extend the definition of an object-oriented element. Tagged values are used in UML.
text display
Text display refers to the placement of text (or database fields containing text) that is too large to be displayed on a single line within the column or page margins of a report. Reporter either wraps the text (continuing it on the next line), or truncates it at the column or page margin.
Text Mode
Text Mode is the mode in which you can enter text in a box trim field. A blinking cursor indicates where to start entering text.
text_editor frame template
The text_editor frame template is a core library template that provides a prepackaged text file editor, with a toolbar and standard menus for file, edit, find/replace, and format operations.
timezone_control field template
The timezone_control field template creates a time zone field that displays a list of time zones.
toggle (check box)
A toggle appears as an option that the user can click on or off (enable or disable).
A toolbar consists of a set of iconized items from which the user makes a selection by clicking the mouse pointer on it. Toolbar items typically consist of buttons that provide shortcuts for frequently used menu commands or for easy access to other features or frames.
toolbar_window template
The toolbar_window template is a misc library template that creates a standard dialog containing a basic toolbar in a stack field and a File menu with a Close command.
tree view field
A tree view field presents the end user with a hierarchical list of items in a tree structure that can be expanded or collapsed.
trim field
Trim fields are text elements or images and include free trim, box trim, and image trim fields. Trim fields consist of a foreground and a background. The foreground is the content of the trim (the image or the text) and the background is the area that surrounds it.
user class
A user class is a set of developer-defined attributes (characteristics) and methods (behaviors) that you can use to refer to multiple data items as a single entity.
user class script
A user class script contains the 4GL code for the methods of a user class. This script defines the behavior of your user class. The user class script contains the source code for all the methods of that user class.
user event
User events provide a simple, effective way for actions in one frame to trigger actions in another frame.
user frame
A user frame consists of a form that you design, a script whose code you write, and, sometimes, a menu that you create.
A viewport provides a window on the form for viewing a larger field. The end user uses the viewport's scroll bars to view undisplayed portions of the field in the viewport.
A vnode is a virtual node, which provides all connection data to connect to an Ingres installation on a remote system.
w7_display template
The w7_display frame template is an OpenROAD core library template that provides some of the look and feel features of a Microsoft Windows 7 dialog.
A widget is a toolkit control often associated with a field.
Last modified date: 06/25/2024