Compile and Run the Frame
After you have added scripts to the ProjectFrame frame and its controls, you can compile it and test it with the Debugger.
To compile the frame and its scripts
With ProjectFrame open, click Tools, Compile to compile the application.
Note: If compilation errors are displayed, double-check the steps in the preceding procedures to ensure that you have entered the code correctly, and then try again.
To run and test the frame
1. Click Debug, Go on the floating menu bar.
The frame runs.
2. In the Project Id field, enter 1 and click Select.
The first record in the project table is displayed in the frame.
3. In the Assigned To field, change Mary to Marian.
4. Click Update.
5. Click OK to close the frame.
6. Click Debug, Go again.
The frame runs.
7. In the Project Id field, enter 1 and click Select.
The first record is displayed in the frame with the Assigned To field as Marian.
Congratulations, you have successfully created an application that selects and updates data in a database!