5. Events : Details Event
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Details Event
The Details event is triggered for any active field when the user clicks the field with the Shift+secondary mouse button.
This event has the following syntax:
on details [fieldname]
fieldname is optional if you specify this event in a field script.
The following attributes of the FrameExec class can be used in the Details event block:
Specifies the field on which the user clicked the Shift+secondary mouse button
Specifies the field in the initial on details statement
Use the CurFrame system variable to access these attributes. For more information, see FrameExec Class (see FrameExec Class).
Usage: The Details event is defined for all form fields, including the subform that is the frame's top form. It is not defined for menu fields. If you specify this event in the frame script without a field name, any Shift+secondary mouse button clicks on the background of the form triggers the event.
The Details event block can be used only when the user clicks a single field. However, because you can specify a Details event block for a composite field, you can use it to detect Shift+secondary mouse button clicks on the background of a composite field.
For example, to display help messages when a user clicks anywhere on a table field, either on the background of the table field or on a child field of the table field, you can specify:
on details tblfield,
on childdetails tblfield =
   callframe generic_help(field = 'tblfield');
You may find it more efficient to use the ChildDetails event block, with no field name specified, to detect all Shift+secondary mouse button clicks on the frame and then process a zoom functionality on the field that is under the mouse at the time. For more information about coding this behavior, see ChildDetails Event (see ChildDetails Event).
More information:
OriginatorField Attribute (see page OriginatorField Attribute)
TriggerField Attribute (see page TriggerField Attribute)