3. Statements : OpenROAD Language Statements : Continue Statement : Examples—Continue Statement
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Examples—Continue Statement
Process all changed rows:
i = 1;
while i <= x.LastRow do
     if x[i]._RowState != RS_CHANGED then
          i = i + 1;
     /* Process row */
     i = i + 1;
In the following example, the loop1 and loop2 labels are used to specify the outer and inner loops in this code sequence. The first continue statement skips the inner loop when condition3 is true. The loop2 label could be omitted, but is used for program clarity:
loop1:     while condition1 do
     /* statements */
     loop2:     while condition2 do
          /* statements */
          if condition3 then
               continue loop1;
               continue loop2;