5. Events : HeaderClick Event
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HeaderClick Event
The HeaderClick event is triggered for a ListviewField when the user clicks one of the column headers.
This event has the following syntax:
on headerclick [listviewfieldname]
The following attributes of the FrameExec class can be used in the HeaderClick event block:
Specifies the ListviewField that the user clicked on
Specifies the field in the initial on HeaderClick statement
Specifies the ordinal number (relative to 1) of the column being clicked
Usage: The HeaderClick event is defined for the ListviewField class.
The HeaderClick event is generated when the user clicks one of the column headers of a ListviewField. The TriggerField attribute of the current FrameExec contains the reference to the ListviewField, and the ReasonCode attribute of the FrameExec contains the ordinal number of the listview column that generates the HeaderClick event. This ordinal number is relative to 1. For example, if the header of column one of a ListviewField is clicked, the ReasonCode will contain the number 1.
More information:
TriggerField Attribute (see page TriggerField Attribute)
ReasonCode Attribute (see page ReasonCode Attribute)