4. System Classes : QueryParm Class : IsFileHandleField Attribute
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IsFileHandleField Attribute
Data Type: smallint
4GL Access: RW
Set the IsFileHandleField attribute to TRUE if an expression to be loaded into the target is a string object or bitmap object stored in a file. The Load method uses the value retrieved from the column as a FileHandle.
Setting this attribute to TRUE indicates the following:
The data in the column is a FileHandle.
QueryParm's Expression attribute evaluates to a string object or bitmap object.
During the execution of DataStream's Load method, the data is to be used as a handle rather than directly placed into the target column.
Assume that a QueryObject object performs an operation that modifies data in a table that contains a column for which the IsFileHandleField attribute is set to TRUE. (That is, the QueryObject object contains a column for which the IsUpdateTarget, IsInsertTarget, or IsDeleteWhere attribute is set to TRUE.) No corresponding operation is performed on the file that contains the actual string object or bitmap object.