3. Statements : OpenROAD SQL Statements : Modify Statement : Modify...to Reconstruct
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Modify...to Reconstruct
To rebuild the existing storage structure for a table or partition, use the modify...to reconstruct option.
The reconstruct action allows the table or partitions to be rebuilt, maintaining the existing storage structure, key columns, and storage attributes. Any overrides specified in the modify statement with clause are applied.
The reconstruct variant provides a simple means for partitioning or unpartitioning a table without affecting its other attributes. Partitioning or unpartitioning a table requires rewriting its storage structure, which is why partitioning is limited to restructuring variants of the modify statement.
The heapsort structure is not really a storage structure, in the sense that the sort criteria are not remembered in any system catalog. Therefore reconstruction of a table originally modified to heapsort simply remodifies the table to heap with no additional sorting.
When operating on specific logical partitions instead of an entire table, the reconstruct modify does not permit any override with attributes except for the location option.
The partition name clause allows the modify statement to operate on specific named logical partitions. Partition names must be listed from outer dimension to inner dimension.