Parameters—Openframe Statement
This statement has the following parameters:
Specifies a reference variable of type GhostExec. It is assigned the GhostExec object of the opened frame.
If the calling ProcExec is a GhostExec or FrameExec, it can use the value of the GhostExec_object, which is the return value of the openframe invocation, to continue to communicate with the opened frame. Communication is accomplished with the
SendUserEvent method (see
SendUserEvent Method).
For more information about using the SendUserEvent method to communicate between frames, see the
Programming Guide. For more information about different ways to call frames, see
Callframe Statement (see
Callframe Statement) and
Gotoframe Statement (see
Gotoframe Statement).
Specifies the name of the frame you are opening. This name is a dynamic name.
You can set the ParentFrame attribute using the withclause. To specify this attribute, value must be a reference variable that points to a ProcExec object for a currently running frame or null. If it is a reference variable pointing to a FrameExec object, then the called frame is considered a child of the frame represented by that FrameExec object. If you assign null to the ParentFrame attribute, then the called frame runs as a detached frame, independent of other frames in the application. If you do not set the ParentFrame attribute, then the called frame is the child of the calling ProcExec.