3. Statements : Commonly Used Elements in Statements : Type
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Specifies the data type, length, nullability, and default value of a local variable or parameter.
This element has the following syntax:
simple_datatype [with null | not null]
     [not default | with default | [with ]default | defaultvalue] |
     [array of] classname [[with ]default [null]] |
     collectionname collection of externalclassname [[with ]default [null]]
Specifies the simple data type
Specifies the default value, which must be a null, a literal, or a system constant of the appropriate type. Valid system constants are listed in System Constants and Keywords (see System Constants).
Note:  The clauses “with null, not default” and “with default” are provided for syntactic compatibility with SQL, but they have no effect in OpenROAD.
Specifies the class name. It can be the name of a system class, user class, or external class.
Specifies the collection name
Specifies the external class name