16. Debugging Your Application : How Debugging an Application Works : How You Can Control Execution of Your Application
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How You Can Control Execution of Your Application
You can invoke the Debugger by performing the procedure in Open the Debugger for an Application (see Open the Debugger for an Application). When the Debugger has control, you can use the following navigation buttons on the Debugger window's toolbar to control the execution of your application:
Executes a single statement, stepping across frame or procedure calls. For more information, see Step Button (see Step Button).
Step Into
Executes a single statement, but steps into a frame or procedure if the statement calls a frame or procedure. For more information, see Step Into Button (see Step Into Button).
Step To End
Continues execution to the next end, return, or resume statement. For more information, see Step To End Button (see Step To End Button).
Continues execution to the next break condition. For more information, see Continue Button (see Continue Button).
Stop Debugger
Stops debugging the application or component and closes the Debugger window
You can use these buttons to move through your application—stopping when you want to examine the values of expressions or variables, to look at the call stack or event queue, or to perform other debugging activities. These buttons are described in greater detail in the following sections.