How You Can Use the DBMSErrorPrinting Attribute
Another method of handling errors is to call a general error-handling procedure each time an error is detected. For example, the script for the check_out frame in the Videos application calls an error handling procedure after each database statement to detect and handle any DBMS errors. The following code fragment from the check_out frame script calls the error handler:
/* Update video information */
update v_video
set last_checkout =
no_checkouts = no_checkouts + 1
where vid_no = :checkout_form.checkout[i].vid_no;
if error_handler(frm = CurFrame, commit_evt =
!= ER_OK then
The if statement in the example calls the error-handling procedure. This procedure first checks to see if there was a DBMS error. If none occurred, it returns ER_OK to the calling program. If an error occurred and the error was not a deadlock error, then the routine displays an error message that includes the generic and local DBMS error number. If the error was a deadlock, the procedure sends an event back to the application to retry the DBMS statement.
The following code is the error handling procedure:
** Name: error_handler -- Detects and handles DBMS
** errors.
** Description:
** This procedure first checks if an error occurred
** in the previous DBMS statement. If so, it pops up
** an error message. If the error was deadlock or
** another error for which retry is appropriate, it
** sends an event back to the calling
** frame to retry the DBMS statement.
** No need to roll back the transaction in either
** case because the main_control frame set the
** application's database session to roll back
** automatically for all DBMS errors.
** Called By:
** check_out frame.
** Parameters:
** frm Frame which called this procedure.
** commit_evt Event sent to calling frame when
** there is a deadlock to retry DBMS
** statements.
** Returns:
** DBSession.ErrorNumber set by previous DBMS
** statement;
** ER_OK (0) if success
procedure error_handler
frm = FrameExec, /* Calling frame */
commit_evt = varchar(32), /* Commit event for
** retries if
** a deadlock
** occurred. */
) =
err_no = integer not null /* Error number */
err_no = CurProcedure.DBSession.ErrorNumber;
if err_no = 49000 then
/* We have encountered a deadlock or log
** full. */
message 'Deadlock error occurred while
updating the database.';
elseif err_no != ER_OK then
message 'Error occurred while making changes
in the database.' +
return err_no;
Note: The error-handling procedure calls another procedure, dbms_error_message, when a non-deadlock DBMS error occurs. This called procedure returns the generic and local error numbers. For the code for the dbms_error_message procedure, see
How You Can Use the ErrorNumber and DBMSError Attributes (see
How You Can Use the ErrorNumber and DBMSError Attributes).