16. Debugging Your Application : How Debugging an Application Works : Script Display Icons
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Script Display Icons
The OpenROAD Debugger uses the following icons to mark the text lines in a script:
Horizontal Arrow
Points to the line containing the next statement to be executed. When a break occurs, execution typically stops before the execution of a 4GL statement. However, when an error break occurs, it is possible that execution has stopped at some point during the execution of a 4GL statement. If there is more than one statement on a line, the next statement to be executed may not be the first one.
Bent Arrow
Marks the call statement in progress in the script for a component in the call stack (but not the last component in the stack)
Stop Sign
Indicates an active source breakpoint
Stop Sign Outline
Indicates an inactive source breakpoint, one that was toggled off in the Activations pane of the Current Break Conditions for Application window
Note:  If an arrow points to a line where there is a source breakpoint, the arrow is superimposed on the Stop sign or Stop sign outline.