2. OpenROAD Server Architecture Overview : OpenROAD Architectural Overview : OpenROAD Server Pooler Internals : Configurator (Configuration Parameter Access)
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Configurator (Configuration Parameter Access)
The Configurator encapsulates the access of all OpenROAD Server configurable options for the various components that make up the SPO. The SPO consults the Configurator whenever a current value for a configurable option is needed. The Configurator accesses the registry to obtain this information and provides it to the requestor.
Optionally, the ASO slave will also access the registry when ASNs are used. The implication is that when ASNs are being used, the SPO and ASO must be launched on the same machine. (The ASO slave does not use the Configurator to access the registry.)
The Server Manager is responsible for ensuring internally consistent and reasonable values for all options. The Configurator only performs minimal sanity checks. The Configurator initializes before the event log. There is only one instance of the Configurator in an SPO.
The Configurator reads the values stored in the registry when the SPO process initializes. It does not access this information again until the SPO process is restarted. If the Server Manager makes changes to this information, those changes will not take effect until the SPO process is restarted.