How You Configure Tomcat
The web.xml file is configured to use BASIC web server authentication (with username and password) using the role "orspo_users".
A default Tomcat installation uses the $CATALINA_HOME/conf/tomcat_users.xml file for authentication information.
You must add this role and according user entries under the <tomcat-users> tag in this file, for example:
<role rolename="orspo_users"/>
<user username="testuser" password="xyz" roles="orspo_users"/>
Servlet Options:
You may configure the servlet with the following InitParameters in the web.xml file:
Defines the name of the OpenROAD Server application that the gatekeeper connects to.
If this parameter is missing or set to *, it allows the application name to be provided by the "image" parameter of the Initiate request.
We recommend that you have different webapps for separate OpenROAD applications.
Limits the access to permitted SCPs.
If this parameter is missing or set to *, it allows access to all SCPs.
Names of SCPs are delimited by whitespaces (space, tab, newline, carriage-return, form-feed).
Logs requests of the OpenROAD Gatekeeper to the file $CATALINA_HOME/logs/localhost_log.yyyy-mm-dd.txt when set to 1. This parameter is provided for testing purposes.