How You Configure the OpenROAD Server Java Client Gatekeeper
This directory contains the deliverables needed to grant access to the OpenROAD Application Server COM components—OpenROAD.ParameterData, OpenROAD.RemoteServer, and OpenROAD.ASOSession—from Java:
Contains Java wrapper classes that correspond to the ParameterData, RemoteServer, and ASOSession COM classes. It also contains support classes for writing an HTTP gatekeeper servlet (SerialRemoteServer, InitiateRequest, Call4GLRequestHeader, DisconnectRequest)., web.xml
Example code and a configuration file for creating an HTTP gatekeeper servlet (under Tomcat or a similar web container).
To use these deliverables, copy the openroad.jar to someplace where the ClassLoader will be able to find it (for example, %CATALINA_HOME%\shared\lib if you are using Tomcat on Windows, or $CATALINA_HOME/shared/lib for Tomcat on UNIX).
Ensure that the underlying JNI shared library (%II_SYSTEM%\ingres\bin\orrsojni.dll on Windows, $II_SYSTEM/ingres/lib/ or on UNIX) is visible in the Java Virtual Machine's dynamic loading path. (This should be true by default if you are running in a standard OpenROAD installation.)
Using the and web.xml files is described in Java HTTP Gatekeeper.