A. Error Codes and Messages : OpenROAD Server Errors
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OpenROAD Server Errors
The RSO interface may return one of the HRESULT error codes shown in the tables that follow to indicate specific error conditions reported by the ASO, SPO, RSO, PDO, or ASOSession.
Each table represents one of the following categories:
Procedure name errors (see Procedure Name Errors)
Parameter descriptor errors (see Parameter Descriptor Errors)
Parameter data input errors (see Parameter Data Input Errors)
Parameter data output errors (see Parameter Data Output Errors)
General errors (see General Errors)
PDO-specific errors (see Parameter Data Object Errors)
RSO-specific errors (see Remote Server Oobject-specific Errors)
ASOSession-specific errors (see ASOSession-specific Errors)
SPO-specific errors (see Server Pooler Object-specific Errors)
HTTP routing errors (see HTTP Routing Errors)
Internal fatal errors (see Internal Fatal Errors)