D. OpenROAD Server Pooler Event Log : OpenROAD Server Configuration Management : View Server Configuration Information : Summary Snapshot
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Summary Snapshot
The following parameters are in the Summary Snapshot section and control the SPO log operation and behavior.
Trace Interval
Specifies the frequency that the DispatcherMgr, dispatchers, and slaves will have their status written to the SPO log
Default: 30 minutes
Trace Level
Specifies whether the SPO log is enabled or disabled. A value of ON enables SPO logging. A value of OFF disables SPO logging.
Default: OFF
Note:  We recommend you set this parameter to ON. SPO logging has very little overhead and will greatly aid in diagnosing any unusual SPO behaviors or problems.
Trace File Name
Specifies the location of the SPO log file
Trace File Append
Specifies whether the SPO should be opened as a new file or should be opened in APPEND mode. The value of YES indicates that log information should be appended to the existing file. A value of NO indicates that the SPO log should not append new log entries.
Default: YES
Note:  We recommend that you set this parameter to YES. The SPO log will then contain information for all instances of the SPO. This is particularly useful in diagnosing problems that are related to the SPO terminating abnormally or startup and shutdown problems. This will prevent information being lost when a new SPO is started.