v_ip_address Attribute
Data Type: varchar(15)
Use v_ip_address to specify a client machine name, IP address. Use this attribute for manual identification purposes only (for example, when using the Server Manager).
Example—4GL Client:
myClientInfo = uc_client_info.Create();
myClientInfo.i_client_type = GC_I_CT_OR;
myClientInfo.v_user_name = CurSession.GetEnv('USERNAME');
myClientInfo.v_ip_address = '\\' + CurSession.GetEnv('COMPUTERNAME');
/* i_user_id omitted in this example */
i_status = CurRemoteServer.Call4GL ('CreateASOSession',
b_osca = BYREF(OSCA),
p_UCClientinfo = myClientInfo);
i_status = OSCA.CheckAndHandleError (p_i_aso_retval = i_status);