This chapter provides brief descriptions of each 4GL statement that you can use in OpenROAD. The underlining in the syntax descriptions indicate that the syntax component can be a dynamic name. For a full discussion of the syntax conventions, see Syntax in the Language Reference Guide.
For a detailed description of each 4GL statement, see the chapter “Statements” in the Language Reference Guide. For a description of commonly used elements in statements, see Commonly Used Elements in Statements in the Language Reference Guide.
OpenROAD statements are grouped into the following sections:
• Language statements—assignment, flow of control, calls—to provide the business logic of the application.
• SQL database manipulation statements—database access statements and the 4GL parameter extensions you can use with these statements.
• EXEC 4GL statements that you can use in an Embedded SQL for C (ESQL/C) program to pass objects and arrays between 3GL and 4GL routines.
Note: All 4GL and 3GL statements are terminated with a semicolon (;).