Attribute | Data Type | Description | Inherited From |
AbsXLeft | integer | Specifies a field's starting X coordinate, including the border and shadow, relative to the form (RW) | FormField |
AbsXRight | integer | Specifies a field's ending X coordinate, including the border and shadow, relative to the form (RW) | FormField |
AbsYBottom | integer | Specifies a field's ending Y coordinate, including the border and shadow, relative to the form (RW) | FormField |
AbsYTop | integer | Specifies a field's starting Y coordinate, including the border and shadow, relative to the form (RW) | FormField |
AllBias | smallint | Specifies a field's bias setting for all modes of a frame (W) | FormField |
AnchorPoint | integer | Specifies one of nine predetermined anchor points for a field (RW) | FormField |
BgBitmap | BitmapObject | Specifies the background setting for a field when BgPattern is FP_BITMAP (RW) | FormField |
BgColor | integer | Specifies the background color of a field's bounding box (RW) | FieldObject |
BgDisplayPolicy | integer | Controls the positioning and display of form field background images—either anchored to their own top left corner (fixed), or anchored relative to the closest parent field whose background is fixed (RW) | FormField |
BgPattern | integer | Specifies the form's background pattern (RW) | FormField |
BufferString | StringObject | Contains the entire string in the field's edit buffer (R) | EntryField |
BufferText | varchar(2000) | Contains up to the first 2000 characters of the field's edit buffer(R) | EntryField |
CharsPerLine | integer | Specifies the number of average-width characters per line that the entry can contain (RW) | EntryField |
ClassName | varchar(32) | Gives the name of an object's actual type (as opposed to its declared type) (R) | Object |
ClientData | Object | Provides a way to associate data with an object (RW) | Object |
ClientText | varchar(2000) | Stores text values; allows information to be assigned to a field at runtime (RW) | FieldObject |
ControlField | smallint | Determines if a field manipulates the user interface instead of the underlying data (RW) | FieldObject |
CurBias | smallint | Specifies the current bias setting for a field (RW) | FormField |
CurMarkedText | varchar(256) | Contains the currently marked text in the field (R) | EntryField |
Cursor | CursorBitmap | Causes the mouse cursor to change to the cursor associated with the CursorBitmap when the pointer is over the FormField object (RW) | FormField |
CursorPosition | integer | Specifies the text cursor position (number of character after cursor) (RW) | EntryField |
DataType | varchar(65) | Specifies the data type of the field's variable (RW1) | FieldObject |
Declared | smallint | Controls whether OpenROAD declares a variable for the field at compile time (RW) | ActiveField |
DefaultString | varchar(256) | Stores the default value that OpenROAD uses when the DefaultValue attribute is set to DV_STRING (RW1) | FieldObject |
DefaultValue | smallint | Specifies the default value of the variable associated with the field (RW1) | FieldObject |
DragObject | Object | Sets the object that will be transferred by a drag-and-drop operation when a user starts the operation over the field (RW) | ActiveField |
DropObject | varchar(32) | Holds the class name of the objects that can be dropped on the field (RW) | ActiveField |
EventExec | FrameExec | Specifies the frame (FrameExec) to which this field's events will be queued and processed (RW) | FieldObject |
ExactWidth | integer | If not zero, specifies the width of the EntryField (RW) | EntryField |
ExitBehavior | integer | Controls the action of the Tab key and/or Enter key in an EntryField object (RW) | EntryField |
FgColor | integer | Controls the color of the field's foreground (RW) | FieldObject |
FirstMarked | integer | Specifies the first character in the marked text (R) | EntryField |
FocusBehavior | smallint | Controls behavior of the field relative to the input focus (RW) | ActiveField |
ForceCase | smallint | Indicates whether to force a case shift on input of data (RW) | EntryField |
FormatString | varchar(256) | Contains the format string for field (RW) | EntryField |
FullName | varchar(256) | Contains the expanded name of variable (R) | FieldObject |
Gravity | integer | Specifies the alignment of a field that is within a stack field cell, a matrix field cell, or a subform (RW) | FormField |
HasDataChanged | smallint | Indicates if any interactive changes were made to the data associated with the field (RW) | FieldObject |
HasFieldChanged | smallint | Is TRUE if any structural attributes of a field have been changed since the frame was initialized (RW) | FormField |
HasHorizontalScrollBar | smallint | Indicates whether the field has a horizontal scroll bar. This attribute is valid for multiline entry fields only (RW) | EntryField |
HasScrollBar | smallint | Displays scroll bars on the right side of text, if set to TRUE (RW) | EntryField |
Height | integer | Specifies the Y extent of the “inner rectangle” of the field, excluding borders and shadows (RW) | FormField |
InputMasking | smallint | If set to TRUE, specifies the use of a valid format template to control data entry for a particular field (RW) | EntryField |
InstanceIdentifier | integer | Contains a value that uniquely identifies an instance of an allocated object (R) | Object |
InstanceReferences | integer | Contains the current number of references to the object (R) | Object |
IsBold | smallint | Is TRUE for bold font (RW) | EntryField |
IsCurField | smallint | Is TRUE when a field has the current input focus for the frame (RW) | FormField |
IsDragSource | integer | If set to TRUE, a drag-and-drop operation may be started over the field; DragObject is the object that is transferred (RW) | ActiveField |
IsItalic | smallint | Is TRUE for italic font (RW) | EntryField |
IsMandatory | smallint | Is TRUE if the field will not accept null data or allow the user to leave the field empty (RW) | EntryField |
IsMultiLine | smallint | Is TRUE if multiline (not single-line) text field (RW) | EntryField |
IsNullable | smallint | Is TRUE if the variable is nullable (RW1) | FieldObject |
IsPassword | smallint | Is TRUE if text is not displayed on entry or edit (RW) | EntryField |
IsPlain | smallint | Is TRUE if bold, underlining, and italics are off (RW) | EntryField |
IsPropOptInherited | integer | If set to TRUE, indicates that the field is to use or inherit the PropertyOptMenu of the CompositeField that is nearest in scope (RW) | ActiveField |
IsReverse | smallint | Is TRUE if reverse is on for a field's background and foreground colors (RW) | FormField |
IsSelected | smallint | Is TRUE if a field is selected (for fields with bias settings that are selectable), defaults to FALSE (RW) | FormField |
IsUnderlined | integer | Is TRUE, text is underlined (RW) | EntryField |
LastMarked | integer | Specifies the last character in the marked text (R) | EntryField |
LayerSequence | integer | Specifies a field's sequence number within the field layer (RW) | FormField |
Lines | integer | Specifies the number of lines displayed in a multiline entry field (RW) | EntryField |
MaxCharacters | integer | Defines the maximum number of characters that the field can contain (R) | EntryField |
MouseDownText | varchar(100) | Specifies the text displayed in the window status bar of the current frame when the mouse is over the field and the select button is clicked (RW) | FormField |
MouseMoveText | varchar(100) | Specifies the text displayed in the window status bar of the current frame when the mouse pointer is over the field (RW) | FormField |
Name | varchar(32) | Contains the name of the field object (RW1) | FieldObject |
OuterHeight | integer | Specifies the extent in Y direction of a field, including border lines and shadows (RW) | FormField |
OuterWidth | integer | Specifies the extent in X direction of a field, including border lines and shadows (RW) | FormField |
OutlineColor | integer | Controls the color of the border line or shadow of the bounding box around the field (RW) | ActiveField |
OutlineStyle | integer | Controls the style of the outline of the field (RW) | ActiveField |
OutlineWidth | integer | Controls the width of the border line or the shadow for the bounding box around the field (RW) | ActiveField |
ParentField | CompositeField | Specifies the direct parent field for a field (RW) | FormField |
PropertyOptMenu | OptionMenu | Contains the OptionMenu that is activated when the right mouse button is clicked while over the field (RW) | ActiveField |
QueryBias | smallint | Specifies a field's bias setting when the CurMode attribute for the frame is set to FM_QUERY (RW) | FormField |
ReadBias | smallint | Specifies the bias setting for a field when the CurMode attribute for the frame is set to FM_READ (RW) | FormField |
RequireRealField | smallint | Indicates if a field must be associated with a toolkit control or widget (RW) | FormField |
Script | StringObject | Contains the 4GL script associated with the field (RW) | FieldObject |
StringValue | StringObject | Contains the full text in an entry field (RW) | EntryField |
TabSeqNum | integer | Set this attribute to the 1-relative number equal to the order in which you want this field to appear in the TabSequence for the containing CompositeField (RW) | ActiveField |
TextLength | integer | Specifies the number of characters in the value of the field (R) | EntryField |
TextValue | varchar(256) | Contains the first 256 characters of the text in the field (as displayed) (RW) | EntryField |
ToolTipText | varchar(100) | Specifies the text to be displayed when the mouse pointer rests on the FormField (RW) | FormField |
TypeFace | integer | Specifies the typeface for the entry field text (RW) | EntryField |
TypeFaceName | varchar(31) | Specifies the typeface name of any font installed on your system (RW) | EntryField |
TypeSize | smallint | Specifies the size, in points, of the typeface (RW) | EntryField |
UpdateBias | smallint | Specifies a field's bias setting when the CurMode attribute for the frame is set to FM_UPDATE (RW) | FormField |
User1Bias | smallint | Specifies a field's bias setting when the CurMode attribute for the frame is set to FM_USER1 (RW) | FormField |
User2Bias | smallint | Specifies a field's bias setting when the CurMode attribute for the frame is set to FM_USER2 (RW) | FormField |
User3Bias | smallint | Specifies a field's bias setting when the CurMode attribute for the frame is set to FM_USER3 (RW) | FormField |
UseWidestCharacter | integer | Specifies that a maximum character width is to be used when columns are changed to a field width (RW) | EntryField |
WidgetID | integer | This is not supported. Represents the field's handle for the highest-level Windows control for the field. (R) | ActiveField |
Width | integer | Specifies the X extent of the “inner rectangle” of the field, excluding border lines or shadows (RW) | FormField |
XAnchorPoint | integer | Use with YAnchorPoint to position an object by setting relevant anchor point values (RW) | FormField |
XLeft | integer | Specifies the relative X coordinate of the left edge of a field's bounding rectangle (RW) | FormField |
XRight | integer | Specifies the relative X coordinate of the right edge of a field's bounding rectangle (RW) | FormField |
YAnchorPoint | integer | Use with XAnchorPoint to position an object by setting relevant anchor point value (RW) | FormField |
YBottom | integer | Specifies the relative Y coordinate of the lower edge of a field's bounding rectangle (RW) | FormField |
YTop | integer | Specifies the relative Y coordinate of the top edge of a field's bounding rectangle (RW) | FormField |
Method | Return Value | Description | Inherited From |
CheckFailedMandatory ([setfocusonfailure = smallint]) | ActiveField | Checks a mandatory field for entered values | ActiveField |
DeclareData ([,result = byref(variable)] [,userclass = byref(UserClassObject)]) | integer | Declares a specified active field so that you can refer to it in a dynamic expression | ActiveField |
Duplicate() | BoxTrim | Makes a duplicate of the object, placing a reference to the new object in a reference variable | Object |
GetAttribute (attributename = byref(variable) {,attributename = byref(variable)}) | integer | Gets the values of any number of attributes for the object | Object |
GetFieldValue (value = byref(variable)) | integer | Gets the current value of a field | FieldObject |
IsA (class = classname) | integer | Is TRUE if the object is of the same class as, or one of the subclasses of, the class specified by classname | Object |
IsDescendantOf (ancestor = FieldObject) | smallint | Is TRUE if the field object is a descendant at any level of the specified ancestor | FieldObject |
MarkAllText() | none | Marks all text in the entry field | EntryField |
MarkSubText ([startposition = integer] [,endposition = integer]) | none | Marks a subsection of the text in the entry field | EntryField |
SetAttribute (attributename = value {,attributename = value}) | integer | Sets any number of attributes for the object | Object |
SetFieldValue (value = value) | integer | Sets the value of a field | FieldObject |
SetToDefault() | none | Sets the value of the field to its default value | ActiveField |
UndeclareData() | integer | Dissociates the named active field from variables previously associated with the DeclareData method | ActiveField |
UnMarkAllText() | none | Unselects all text | EntryField |
UpdBackground() | none | Changes a field's background | FormField |
UpdField ([clearhasdatachanged = integer]) | none | Refreshes a displayed field | ActiveField |
UpdValue() | integer | Loads the internal memory area that stores a field's value with the value contained with the visual representation of the value | FieldObject |
WhichTableField() | TableField | Determines which table field contains the field that triggered this method | FieldObject |