Attribute | Data Type | Description | Inherited From |
AutoUpdField | smallint | Applies only to FrameExec objects, defaults to TRUE to indicate that the runtime system automatically issues the UpdField method when it determines that the application has changed a field's value (RW) | Defined |
BgBitmap | BitmapObject | Specifies the frame's background pattern (RW) | Defined |
BgColor | integer | Specifies the form's background color (RW) | Defined |
BgPattern | integer | Specifies the form's background pattern (RW) | Defined |
BlocksFrames | smallint | Indicates whether all frames should be inactive while the current frame is running (RW) | ProcExec |
ClassName | varchar(32) | Gives the name of an object's actual type (as opposed to its declared type) (R) | Object |
ClientData | Object | Provides a way to associate data with an object (RW) | Object |
CurMode | integer | Specifies the frame's current mode (RW) | Defined |
DataEntryErrorHandler | ProcHandle | Contains the handle of a procedure that handles data entry errors (RW) | ProcExec |
DBEvent | DBEventObject | Contains information about the database event currently being processed by a frame (R) | GhostExec |
DBSession | DBSessionObject | Specifies the current database session of a frame or procedure (RW) | ProcExec |
DefaultButton | ButtonField | Specifies the default button on a frame (RW) | Defined |
EventName | varchar(256) | Mandatory varchar value passed in SendUserEvent method (R) | GhostExec |
EventType | varchar(256) | Contains the name of the event type (R) | GhostExec |
GridX | integer | Specifies the grid setting for the X direction (RW) | Defined |
GridY | integer | Specifies the grid setting for the Y direction (RW) | Defined |
HasScrollBars | smallint | If TRUE, displays scroll bars on frame's window (RW) | Defined |
HasStatusBar | smallint | Specifies whether the currently running frame has a status bar at the bottom of its window (RW) | Defined |
HeightConstrained | smallint | Is TRUE when last resize results in frame's height being taller than the screen (R) | Defined |
InputFocusField | ActiveField | Contains the field with the current input focus (RW) | Defined |
InstanceIdentifier | integer | Contains a value that uniquely identifies an instance of an allocated object (R) | Object |
InstanceReferences | integer | Contains the current number of references to the object (R) | Object |
IsAutoSized | smallint | If TRUE, sizes the frame's window to the size of the fields on the form (RW) | Defined |
IsBordered | integer | Determines whether the frame has a border (RW1) | Defined |
IsClosable | integer | Determines whether the frame has a Close button in the title bar (RW1) | Defined |
IsGridOn | smallint | Specifies whether or not the grid will be used (RW) | Defined |
IsLassoActive | smallint | Is TRUE if a dragbox select is allowed (RW) | Defined |
IsMaximizable | integer | Determines the state of the Maximize button in the title bar (RW1) | Defined |
IsMaximized | smallint | Reflects at runtime the actual state that a frame is in at the time the attribute is interrogated (maximized or not). Setting it maximizes the frame if it is not already. (RW) | Defined |
IsMinimizable | integer | Determines the state of the Minimize button in the title bar (RW1) | Defined |
IsPopup | smallint | Is TRUE if the frame floats on top of and iconifies with its parent frame (RW1) | Defined |
IsResizeable | smallint | If TRUE, allows an end user to resize the frame's window (RW1) | Defined |
IsTitled | integer | Determines whether the frame has a title bar (RW1) | Defined |
IsToolWindow | integer | Determines whether the title bar has the tool window style (RW1) | Defined |
IsTopmost | integer | Determines whether the frame has the topmost property (RW1) | Defined |
MessageErrorCode | integer | Contains an error code value when a frame receives a user event (R) | GhostExec |
MessageFloat | float | Contains the optional value passed in the SendUserEvent method (R) | GhostExec |
MessageInteger | integer | Contains the optional integer value passed in the SendUserEvent method (R) | GhostExec |
MessageObject | Object | Contains the optional object passed with the SendUserEvent method (R) | GhostExec |
MessageVarchar | varchar(256) | Contains the optional varchar value passed in SendUserEvent method (R) | GhostExec |
NextTargetField | ActiveField | Used to substitute for the Targetfield attribute of FrameExec in cases when the user action is going to set the input focus to a field that is not yet present on the frame (R) | Defined |
ObjectSource | Proc4GLSource | Contains the source description of a frame or procedure (R) | ProcExec |
OriginatorField | FieldObject | Contains the field defining the event block code that originated an event (R) | Defined |
ParentFrame | ProcExec | Specifies the caller of this frame (can be set only in the with clause of the openframe statement) (RW1) | GhostExec |
PortletBlocking | integer | Determines the blocking behavior of the caller when a callframe statement is issued from within a portlet guest’s script (RWO) | Defined |
PreviousField | ActiveField | Contains the field that last had the input focus (R) | Defined |
Queries | array of QueryObject | Is an array of query objects associated with the currently running procedure (RW) | ProcExec |
ReasonCode | integer | Identifies the operation type that caused an event (R) | Defined |
Scope | Scope | Specifies the Scope object for the currently running frame or procedure represented by the ProcExec object (R) | ProcExec |
SelectedList | array of FormField | Contains the set of fields that is currently selected (R) | Defined |
StartMenu | MenuBar | Contains the starting menu associated with a frame (R) | Defined |
StatusText | varchar(100) OpenROAD 6.2: varchar(2000) | Specifies the text string displayed in the status bar of the window of the currently running frame when the mouse pointer is over the window's background form (RW) | Defined |
TargetField | ActiveField | Contains the field that receives the input focus. (R) | Defined |
TopForm | FrameForm | Contains the form associated with a frame (R) | Defined |
TriggerField | FieldObject | Contains the field that generated the current event (R) | Defined |
WidgetID | integer | This is unsupported. It represents the frame window's handle for the highest level. (R) | Defined |
WidthConstrained | smallint | Is TRUE when the last request to resize the frame causes the frame to be wider than the screen (R) | Defined |
WindowHeight | integer | Specifies the height of the frame's window (RW) | Defined |
WindowPlacement | smallint | Specifies the default position for the frame's window when it is first called or opened (RW1) | Defined |
WindowTitle | varchar(100) | Specifies the title for the frame's window (RW) | Defined |
WindowVisibility | integer | Makes a window an icon or invisible on screen or reverses either state (RW) | Defined |
WindowWidth | integer | Specifies the width of the frame's window (RW) | Defined |
WindowXLeft | integer | Specifies the left coordinate of the frame's window (RW) | Defined |
WindowYTop | integer | Specifies the upper coordinate of the frame's window (RW) | Defined |
XEnd | integer | Specifies the right-most X coordinate of drag box or ending X coordinate of line drag (R) | Defined |
XStart | integer | Specifies the X coordinate of point that was clicked, left-most corner of drag box, or starting point of line drag (R) | Defined |
YEnd | integer | Specifies the bottom-most Y coordinate of drag box or ending Y coordinate of line drag (R) | Defined |
YStart | integer | Specifies the Y coordinate of point that was clicked, upper-most corner of drag box, or starting point of line drag (R) | Defined |
Method | Return Value | Description | Inherited From |
Activate() | none | Makes a frame the active frame | Defined |
Beep() | none | Sounds the terminal bell once | ProcExec |
BringToFront() | none | Moves a frame's window to the front of the display | Defined |
ConfirmPopup (messagetext = varchar(256)) | integer | Displays a confirm-style pop-up message box with messagetext as text | ProcExec |
DeferConfigure() | none | Defers field configurations on the form that has invoked this method | ProcExec |
Duplicate() | FrameExec | Makes a duplicate of the object, placing a reference to the new object in a reference variable | Object |
FieldByName (name = varchar(256)) | FieldObject | Returns a field object that matches the specified name | Defined |
FilePopup (messagetext = varchar(256), reply = StringObject) | integer | Displays a file selection pop-up message box with messagetext as text, returning reply | ProcExec |
Flush() | none | Refreshes the screen display | ProcExec |
GetAttribute (attributename = byref(variable) {,attributename = byref(variable)}) | integer | Gets the values of any number of attributes for the object | Object |
InfoPopup (messagetext = varchar(256) [,messagetype = integer]) | none | Displays a pop-up message box with messagetext as text and messagetype as style | ProcExec |
IsA (class = classname) | integer | Returns TRUE if the object is of the same class as, or one of the subclasses of, the class specified by classname | Object |
PurgeDBEvent ([eventname = varchar(256)]) | integer | Removes database events from a frame's queue | GhostExec |
PurgeUserEvent ([eventname = varchar(256)]) | integer | Removes named user events from the event queue | GhostExec |
RegisterUserEvent (eventname = varchar(32)) | none | Registers the frame to receive the specified user event from an external program | GhostExec |
ReplyPopup (messagetext = varchar(256), reply = StringObject) | integer | Displays a reply-style pop-up message box with messagetext as text that returns reply | ProcExec |
SendToBack() | none | Moves the frame's window to the back of the display | Defined |
SendUserEvent (eventname = varchar(256), [,messageobject = Object] [,messageinteger = integer] [,messagefloat = float] [,messagevarchar = varchar(256)] [,delay = float] [,focusbehavior = integer] [,errorevent = varchar(256)]) | none | Sends a user event to a concurrently executing frame | GhostExec |
SetAttribute (attributename = value {,attributename = value}) | integer | Sets any number of attributes for the object | Object |
SetExitTrap() | integer | Flags the currently executing program line as a breakpoint for a subsequent exit call | ProcExec |
SetWindowIcon (windowicon = BitmapObject) | none | Sets or changes the icon for a currently running frame | Defined |
SnapToGrid ([fieldtosnap = FormField]) | none | Snaps a field to the nearest grid point | Defined |
Terminate() | none | Stops execution of a frame and all of its child frames (called with an openframe statement) | GhostExec |
Trace (text = expression) | none | Prints a message to the standard output window (the window from which you started OpenROAD) | ProcExec |
UnRegisterUserEvent ([eventname = varchar(32)]) | none | Removes a frame's registration to receive a specified user event from an external program | GhostExec |
UpdBackground() | none | Forces a change to the background of a form | Defined |
WaitFor (eventname = varchar(256)) | varchar(256) | Causes the executing frame to ignore all events from the user or other SendUserEvent methods until a specified event occurs | ProcExec |