Method | Return Value | Description | Inherited From |
Clear() | integer | Removes all objects from the hash table | HashTable |
Contains(key = integer | object = Object | key = integer, object = Object) | integer | Checks the existence of an object within the hash table | HashTable |
Duplicate() | Object | Makes a duplicate of the object, placing a reference to the new object in a reference variable | Object |
Find(key = integer) | Object | Finds the first object with the given key in the hash table | HashTable |
FindAll(results = ArrayObject [, key = integer] [, noduplicates = integer]) | integer | Inserts all objects (with the given key, if specified) from the hash table into the results array | HashTable |
GetAttribute( attributename = byref(variable) {,attributename = byref(variable)}) | integer | Gets the values of any number of attributes for the object | Object |
InsertObject( key = integer, object = Object) | integer | Inserts the object with the given key into the hash table | HashTable |
IsA (class = classname) | integer | Returns TRUE if the object is of the same class as, or one of the subclasses of, the class specified by classname | Object |
RemoveObject( key = integer [, allobjects = integer] [, removedcount = byref(integer_variable)]) | integer | Removes the object (or all objects) with the specified key from the hash table | HashTable |
SetAttribute (attributename = value {,attributename = value}) | integer | Sets any number of attributes for the object | Object |
Setup([size = integer] [, uniquekey = integer] [, autoresizethreshold = integer] [, objectclass = Class [, allowsubclassobjects = integer]] [, comparekeyfunction = varchar] [, hashkeyfunction = varchar]) | integer | Sets up the IntegerHashTable with the number of buckets specified in the size parameter | HashTable |