8. Generating Frames from Predefined Templates : The mastdetl Templates : The simple_field Template : How You Can Use a Simple Field Frame
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How You Can Use a Simple Field Frame
The generated simple field frame provides a set of VCR buttons and a slider to navigate through each selected row, with its values updated automatically in a matrix of fields.
To see the simple field frame in operation, click Debug, Go on the floating menu bar.
The frame's Form menu provides commands to perform standard database row operations such as inserting a new row, duplicating the current row, deleting a row, and saving changes to the table. The Sort command lets you choose the order that the data rows appear in the frame. For more information, see How You Can Sort Data in a Frame.
You can also perform queries based on the data you enter into one or more fields by clicking Form, Query. For more information, see How You Can Perform a Query.
Note:  Use the standard Close button in the upper right corner to close a running frame and return to the Frame Editor.