Constant Value | Description | Numeric Equivalent |
BD_BLACKONWHITE | Preserves black outlines and text in monochrome displays when shrinking (white text on black disappears) | 1 |
BD_WHITEONBLACK | Preserves white outlines and text in monochrome displays when shrinking (black text on white disappears) | 2 |
BD_COLORONCOLOR | Maps pixels from the source bitmap to the destination bitmap, preserving exact pixel colors | 3 |
BD_HALFTONERESIZE | Maps pixels from the source bitmap to the destination bitmap using a half-tone approximation algorithm that takes account of excluded pixels when shrinking and smooths pixel transitions when expanding | 4 |
BD_LINEARGRADIENT | Specifies a linear gradient type for the bitmap | 9 |
BD_RADIALGRADIENT | Specifies a radial gradient type for the bitmap | 10 |