Constant Value | Description | Numeric Equivalent |
FB_RESIZEABLE | The field can be selected with a mouse click. The field will be highlighted and can be resized with the handles, but cannot be moved. | 1 |
FB_MOVEABLE | The field can be selected with a mouse click. The field will be highlighted and can be dragged about the containing composite field for placement. | 2 |
FB_FLEXIBLE | The field can be selected with a mouse click. The field will be highlighted and can be dragged about the containing composite field for placement, or resized through handles. | 3 |
FB_MARKABLE | The field can be selected with a mouse click. The field will then be highlighted and added to the SelectedList. | 4 |
FB_CLICKPOINT | The field can take a clickpoint event to find out the exact cursor coordinates. | 8 |
FB_CHANGEABLE | The field can take the input focus, and can be changed by the interactive user. | 16 |
FB_LANDABLE | The field will be displayed and can take the input focus, but the data cannot be changed by the interactive user. | 32 |
FB_DRAGBOX | The field can take a drag box from the user. | 64 |
FB_DRAGSEGMENT | The field can take a line drag from the user. | 128 |
FB_VISIBLE | The field will be displayed, but it is not available to the interactive user. | 256 |
FB_DIMMED | The field will be displayed but dimmed. It is not available to the interactive user. For fields that do not support the dimmed bias, this setting appears like FB_VISIBLE. | 512 |
FB_INVISIBLE | The field will not be displayed, and is not accessible to the interactive user. | 1024 |
FB_VIEWABLE | The field is displayed, but allows only limited interaction with the mouse to display its contents. It cannot be modified. | 4096 |