Language Reference Guide : 4. System Classes : TaggedValue Class
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TaggedValue Class
The TaggedValue class stores "extended properties" for a number of classes. These properties appear as tagged value objects in the TaggedValues array attribute of the system classes CompSource, AppSource, AttributeObject, MethodObject, FieldObject, and their subclasses, and are saved with them.
Tagged values that are defined in a ClassSource (in other words, user class tagged values) are inherited by and can be redefined in its subclasses. AttributeObject and MethodObject tagged values are also inherited (the set of tags includes tags for any superclass property with the same name); this follows the UML 1.5 standard.
Note:  In practice this applies only to MethodObjects because inherited userclass attributes cannot be overdefined. Tagged values belonging to field objects, applications, or components other than class sources are not inherited.
Inherits From
Object Class
Inherited By