Array Component | Reference Syntax and Example |
Array | arrayname Example: callproc update_db(vid_cust=custtable); |
Row | arrayname[n] Example: callproc update_acct(account = custtable[2]); |
Nested Object's Attribute | arrayname[n].nestedobject.attribute Example: custtable[5].address.custcity = 'Daly City'; |
Nested Array's Attribute | arrayname[n].nestedarray[m].attribute Example: custtable[4].vid_rent[5].title = Kismet'; |
Column field | arrayname[*].attribute Example: on childexit custtable[*].acctbalance This syntax is usable only if custtable is a table field. |
Individual attribute | arrayname[n].attribute Example: custtable[3].custzip = zip; This syntax refers to an individual attribute. If we had tablefield[n]. attribute, it would refer to an individual table field cell. |