How You Can Use the Debugger Window
The title of the Debugger window has the following format:
Debugging application, component:n
Specifies the name of the application
Specifies the name of the opening frame or procedure of the thread
Specifies the thread number
The Debugger window has two main display areas separated by a line between the areas:
• If there is a current script, the processed script is displayed in the upper area.
• The lower area is for displaying data values.
To change the relative size of a display area, drag the separator up or down. If you resize the window, the two display areas retain their relative proportions.
The text above the script display indicates what component the script belongs to, the status of the script in the thread, and the level of the script in the thread. The text has the form:
Script for component name [, status in thread [, call level]]
component name
Specifies the name of the frame or procedure
status in thread
Indicates whether the component is part of the thread and whether it is the current component
call level
Indicates the level of the component in the thread's call stack
The script information bar also contains the following icons on the left side:
Lets you examine the value of an expression
Lets you assign a new expression to a variable
Watch Value
Opens the Watchpoint dialog, where you can set a value to watch. For more information, see
Set a Watch.
Restore Down/Maximize
Maximizes or restores the original window size of the Debugger
The Debugger window's menu selections and toolbar buttons let you move through the script, examine selected expressions, watch for changes in the values of expressions, assign values to expressions, and display the call stack and event queue. These selections are described in detail in
How You Can Control Execution of Your Application.
Additional menu selections let you select a new script, move around in the script, and edit a script. These operations are described in detail in the following subsections.
Some of the Debugger menu selections let you customize the Debugger by selecting settings to suit your preferences. The Debugger Options menu lets you determine when these settings are saved, if at all. Saving the settings means that they remain in effect for the current session and for future Debugger sessions.